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BBC Earth’s 7 most amazing ocean animals

Posted by / October 12, 2010

By Arj Singh

After uncovering thousands of new species the gigantic ten year Census of Marine Life ended earlier this month, and we at BBC Earth want to celebrate by telling you about some of our favourite ocean animals.

You can see more marine life and countless other exclusive videos, photos and stories from BBC Earth on our Facebook page.


1. Narwhal

These toothed whales are truly one of the wonders of the ocean. Looking like mythical creatures, they are actually able to detect small changes in their environment through their unique tusk. Their name actually comes from the Old Norse word nár, which means corpse. It is thought this was a reference to their greyish palor, like that of a drowned sailor.

2. Banded Sea Kraits

You wouldn’t want to cross one of these usually placid animals – their venom is ten times stronger than that of a cobra. Despite being a sea snake they need oxygen to breathe and so surface regularly.

3. Great White Shark

Watch out, Great Whites can sense you coming from a mile off, literally. Their incredible sense of smell means they can detect one drop of blood in 100 litres of water and tiny amounts of blood in the water from three miles away. These majestic beasts can grow up to 20ft long and weigh up to 5,000 lb, but don’t worry too much – humans aren’t their preferred dinner.

Find out the other four amazing sea creatures at the BBC Earth blog.

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  • Anonymous

    Impresionante la imagen del tiburón