The life of a wildlife photographer is an unpredictable one, but never in a million years could this photographer have dreamed he’d be in this situation.
Christy, that is true. Most of the time. Bears are wild animals and even if you live among them, sometimes they will kill you. Tim Treadwell is a sad example of a person thinking that if they understood bears they could live among them.
Christy, if a bear is hungry, it won’t make any difference if they don’t feel threatened. They will eat you.
Ask Tim Treadwell, or rather, ask the rangers that had to clean up after the bears ate most of him and his friend.
Bears are wild animals and omnivores. Bear attacks are rare but this was a dangerous moment. I think the photographer played it pretty smart. I wouldn’t have wanted to be in his shoes…
What a beautiful animal, though. And to see him that close.
Sorry if this is a repost, I submitted another post an hour or so ago.
quetee pied
9 years ago
I don’t have outrun the bear…
I just have to outrun YOU…
Quetee, when I was in the Chitwan Park in Nepal a guide warned me that I couldn’t outrun the black rhino so I should stay far from him. I looked him up and down, and told him that old joke. He looked at me and turned around and ran the entire way back to the elephant camp.
Apparently they had never heard that joke…
Ronald Pacher
9 years ago
Cute and fluffy. I hope he had a 357 mag in addition to his camera rig out.
9 years ago
So what if the video is old? I never seen it, so it was new to me.
This is a really old video, and it was a fisherman.
Constance Underfoot
9 years ago
The camerman’s rifle was on the ground in front of the chair, which isn’t the best place for hit since it was closer t the bear. But I’d then imagine the camerman also had a large caliber revolver as well.
Well fed from the salmon run in the river. Not interested in the photographer….
Jim Perkins
9 years ago
Idiot! I used to work for nps. You do not want to be that close to a wild bear ever. They are unpredictable and this guy is very lucky, I hope he at least had bear spray or a side arm on him just in case!
I know they have notoriously bad eyesight and noses about 10K times better than ours. Is it possible he didn’t see the guy and the wind was blowing the wrong way for his smeller. He was awful close not to see though, even for the worse eyesight.
1) The Bear is sitting next to an empty chair. 2) The photographer appears to be standing behind the camcorder that must be on a tripod like the other camera js. 3) If the photographer enticed the Bear to stage this photo shoot and the Bear attacked him, regardless of what may have happened to the photographer, the Bear most probably would have been given a “Death Sentence” !!! 4) Wild animals are not the main problem, it’s stupid Humans !!! The interaction with Our National Wildlife that people are performing in our National Parks is out of control and costing the Wild Life their right to “Life” in their own Habitat by Euthanization !!! 5) Hope this video does not encourage others to try the same Stunt !!!
Things to say to a bear to start a conversation; Nice weather for this time of year don’t you think?, do you come here often?, or is this a good spot for fishing?
maybe that was yooyga bear looking for a pick nick basket
9 years ago
All the comments concerning the shotgun, or if he also had some handgun on his person, at the point this boy walks up within 5-15 feet of you – if “he decides,” you WILL become a greasy spot on the planet. Bears look all “slow and clumsy” – NOT! An acquaintance hunting w/30-06 rifle emptied the gun into a bear coming at him from some distance – the gun was scoped – he knew he was NOT missing this bear – at the point he could not see anything but BLACK in the scope and his rifle was empty anyway, he began RUNNING down the mountain, using the rifle as a balance pole – said he could “feel” the bears breath on his neck – lost his rifle in the process of trying to save his life – lost the bear also! There were at least two witnesses to the encounter, although at a distance and unable to help, and even with their spotting and tracking ability, they never recovered the bear, which undoubtedly was killed.
Said all that to agree with those saying that this “clown” had no idea how close he was to DEATH. Note, also, he was in a rather populous bear area, another approaching the water below!
There is a fairly accurate thing called the 21 second rule. It states that anyone of “average physicality” can be ON YOU from 21 feet in approximately 1.5 seconds. That BEAR is FAR FROM some human of “average physicality!” Even had this nimrod been pointing some weapon at the bear, if the bear makes an ‘aggressive’ move for him, he better be more than average with his smoke pole – much better than he might be with that camera!!
Hey man, what’s for dinner tonight? I am so tired after that long hike and walking on all fours is really starting to bust my rump. (Great shots of the bear!).
It’s a little complicated.
It was actually a bear, in a bear costume trying to prank a guy who was disguised as a wildlife photographer who was attempting to prank a bear. The both parted extremely confused.
I see what most of you folks have commented, What 99.9% of you don’t realize is how fast these monsters really are.
At that distance you would be dinner before you could blink and eye. you wouldn’t even have time to get out of that seat. They are large and duffis looking but don’t let that fool you they are lightning fast when they want to be. This is not an animal to take lightly.
Hey man!!!! don’t mind me…JUST CHILLIN!!!!!
if they don’t feel threatened they leave you alone
Luckily for the photographer, that bear obviously just had a big meal.
Yo dude! How zit goin’?
Props to this guy for holding the camera so steady.
Isn’t this great – hope your pictures don’t bring out to many tourist to ruin it!
If a bear wants to sit next to you – you let the bear sit next you. 🙂
This is super old, why are they posting this
“So what’s the big deal?” says the bear, “I see this stuff every day!”
where does a big bear sit? Anywhere he wants.
Christy, that is true. Most of the time. Bears are wild animals and even if you live among them, sometimes they will kill you. Tim Treadwell is a sad example of a person thinking that if they understood bears they could live among them.
Slow news day? This video is almost as old as the internet.
WOW/ I wonder if the guy had to change his shorts ?? +
Is the fishing here good? Nope!!!!!! Then I’ll go somewhere else….
Hey man catching any fish in this spot
Bet you this bear is a Male,.,. it’s the crazy females running around doing crazy stufff – no mater what animal they are.
He would make a great pet. (Not!)
Hey bear hold my beer, watch this!
Ok, so Bearmageddon gets more real every day.
Christy, if a bear is hungry, it won’t make any difference if they don’t feel threatened. They will eat you.
Ask Tim Treadwell, or rather, ask the rangers that had to clean up after the bears ate most of him and his friend.
Bears are wild animals and omnivores. Bear attacks are rare but this was a dangerous moment. I think the photographer played it pretty smart. I wouldn’t have wanted to be in his shoes…
What a beautiful animal, though. And to see him that close.
Sorry if this is a repost, I submitted another post an hour or so ago.
I don’t have outrun the bear…
I just have to outrun YOU…
Quetee, when I was in the Chitwan Park in Nepal a guide warned me that I couldn’t outrun the black rhino so I should stay far from him. I looked him up and down, and told him that old joke. He looked at me and turned around and ran the entire way back to the elephant camp.
Apparently they had never heard that joke…
Cute and fluffy. I hope he had a 357 mag in addition to his camera rig out.
So what if the video is old? I never seen it, so it was new to me.
This is a really old video, and it was a fisherman.
The camerman’s rifle was on the ground in front of the chair, which isn’t the best place for hit since it was closer t the bear. But I’d then imagine the camerman also had a large caliber revolver as well.
you should be careful these are wild animals
Well fed from the salmon run in the river. Not interested in the photographer….
Idiot! I used to work for nps. You do not want to be that close to a wild bear ever. They are unpredictable and this guy is very lucky, I hope he at least had bear spray or a side arm on him just in case!
I know they have notoriously bad eyesight and noses about 10K times better than ours. Is it possible he didn’t see the guy and the wind was blowing the wrong way for his smeller. He was awful close not to see though, even for the worse eyesight.
so what if its an old video. It’s new to people that havent seen it, myself included. And its still a great video!!!
Notice the big slug gun right by his feet ?
1) The Bear is sitting next to an empty chair. 2) The photographer appears to be standing behind the camcorder that must be on a tripod like the other camera js. 3) If the photographer enticed the Bear to stage this photo shoot and the Bear attacked him, regardless of what may have happened to the photographer, the Bear most probably would have been given a “Death Sentence” !!! 4) Wild animals are not the main problem, it’s stupid Humans !!! The interaction with Our National Wildlife that people are performing in our National Parks is out of control and costing the Wild Life their right to “Life” in their own Habitat by Euthanization !!! 5) Hope this video does not encourage others to try the same Stunt !!!
Things to say to a bear to start a conversation; Nice weather for this time of year don’t you think?, do you come here often?, or is this a good spot for fishing?
What an amazing experience.
Looks like the same bear that chased that snowboarder in Japan this past spring!
I can’t bear to watch this as i do not want to see the outcome
it took too long for lunch to arrive so he moved on
That wasn’t just any old bear. No sir, that was Yogi.
and a snack
So Cool…..I’ve had them come close to me but never like this….
Brown Bear, Brown Stain…
You have any charming
total awesomeness
Why didn’t he reach out and pat him?
So… Why you keep taking pictures of my girl?
This video is beyond old. This is like 2012
Hey Dude… Whatcha Looking at. I wanna watch too !
Handsome bear… what a fine display of animal nonchalance! Reminded me of a pet dog’s behavior around an owner.
Just wondering, hows the fishing
The Bear said to himself: I have had enough of this & I am out of here. Beautiful
(in the voice of “Chef’s Dad” on “Southpark”) “Hey man, u got tree fiddy?”
May be old but I loved made my day.Have to say would rather be doing that anyday than working at the post office.
I suspect that curious fellow was thinking…..”Bear with me”
I suppose we will have to grin and bear it.
maybe that was yooyga bear looking for a pick nick basket
All the comments concerning the shotgun, or if he also had some handgun on his person, at the point this boy walks up within 5-15 feet of you – if “he decides,” you WILL become a greasy spot on the planet. Bears look all “slow and clumsy” – NOT! An acquaintance hunting w/30-06 rifle emptied the gun into a bear coming at him from some distance – the gun was scoped – he knew he was NOT missing this bear – at the point he could not see anything but BLACK in the scope and his rifle was empty anyway, he began RUNNING down the mountain, using the rifle as a balance pole – said he could “feel” the bears breath on his neck – lost his rifle in the process of trying to save his life – lost the bear also! There were at least two witnesses to the encounter, although at a distance and unable to help, and even with their spotting and tracking ability, they never recovered the bear, which undoubtedly was killed.
Said all that to agree with those saying that this “clown” had no idea how close he was to DEATH. Note, also, he was in a rather populous bear area, another approaching the water below!
There is a fairly accurate thing called the 21 second rule. It states that anyone of “average physicality” can be ON YOU from 21 feet in approximately 1.5 seconds. That BEAR is FAR FROM some human of “average physicality!” Even had this nimrod been pointing some weapon at the bear, if the bear makes an ‘aggressive’ move for him, he better be more than average with his smoke pole – much better than he might be with that camera!!
Hey man, what’s for dinner tonight? I am so tired after that long hike and walking on all fours is really starting to bust my rump. (Great shots of the bear!).
I am all in with him.
It’s a little complicated.
It was actually a bear, in a bear costume trying to prank a guy who was disguised as a wildlife photographer who was attempting to prank a bear. The both parted extremely confused.
I see what most of you folks have commented, What 99.9% of you don’t realize is how fast these monsters really are.
At that distance you would be dinner before you could blink and eye. you wouldn’t even have time to get out of that seat. They are large and duffis looking but don’t let that fool you they are lightning fast when they want to be. This is not an animal to take lightly.
So, were you the guy that ate my porridge?
Hey Human – Just grin and Bear it.
that bear kind of looks like will ferrell
the bear kinda looks like will ferrell
Why are all the comments 7 days ago??? There was a comment fest going on or something.