Benefits of reading [infographic]
Posted by staff / October 17, 2013 benefits of readingCBC BooksinfographicNational Reading Campaign
This infographic was put together by CBC Books.
For the original, and links to the article, see here: National Reading Campaign.
Photo credit: CBC/Books
Fantastic info-graphic but I wonder if there is a difference between reading fiction vs. non-fiction.
Lovely one !
[…] site last night, I found a cool infographic on the benefits of reading, which you can see here. Reading for fun, reading actual books, and reading fiction is actually a great way to unplug and […]
Wonderful infographic. Wish homework was as fun as reading 🙁
As if I ever needed any encouragement. This just goes on to prove that I have been living a very relaxed life indeed. 🙂
Love this! But: “Reading reduces stress…” Clearly they’re not counting books like the Hunger Games. I regularly get so stressed by a story I’m reading that I have to put it down for a while and go do something else to unwind.
This “information” is very misleading. The scientific studies only proved that readers are on average healthier than non-readers. This does not mean that by beginning to read, you will become healthier. Correlation does not imply causality. It may very well be that people who are more economically stable have the time and the money to read more, and that stability also allows them to take better care of their health as well. To say that “reading is good for your health” is not a valid conclusion.
If you’re still not convinced, consider this equivalent “information”: People who buy big shoes are more likely to be over 6 feet tall than people who do not buy big shoes. Therefore, if I buy big shoes, I will become taller. Ridiculous, right?
You seem stressed. Why not read a book?
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Except for Game of Thrones..
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