How to best survive a gunshot wound (& what it feels like)
Posted by staff / May 9, 2017
First off, may you never discover this information first hand and may you never need it.
That being said, with the proliferation of guns in the U.S., no matter how exclusive your neighborhood there’s a chance you or someone you know could be on the receiving end of a bullet.
Lifehacker’s Patrick Allan dug up information on what it’s like to be shot, what a bullet does to the body, and spoke to experts on the best course of action to survive. Here’s a quick excerpt to get you started:
When you realize you or another person has been shot, call 911. You need to get medical professionals on the spot as soon as possible. After that, [Connor] Narciso [former combat medic and Army Green Beret who served in Afghanistan] says you need to try and stop the bleeding. Remember, blood loss is what kills most people in this instance. So, look for swelling, skin discoloration, and other signs of hemorrhaging, then try to control it by applying manual pressure on the wound, or by fastening a tourniquet high and tight on the limb where the wound is located.
Be careful out there.
Full story at Lifehacker.
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