Bisous Les Copains – Animated Illustrations by Guillaume Kurkdjian
Posted by staff / June 5, 2013 Animated IllustrationsanimationartBisousdesignfrenchfunnyGuillaume Kurkdjianillustration
These adorable animated gif illustrations are the what happens when the neurons & synapses fire and collide inside the brain of French designer/illustrator, photographer/animator Guillaume Kurkdjian, and meld to create something absolutely wonderful to tickle our funny bones. The project is entitled ‘Bisous les Copains’, and according to Google Translate: Bisous les copains = kisses buddies. Not fully sure what that means, but we like the sound of it! Each animation is a delight, taking us to different houses and environments, each filled with it’s own unique surprise. Be sure to check out a Guillaume’s other work on his: Behance, Tumblr, Vimeo, & Flickr.
via: Guillaume Kurkdjian & BuzzFeed
I looked at these for way too long before realising I had to click on them to see them animate!