Build your own national anthem! [interactive]
Posted by staff / February 6, 2014
This is a hoot. Slate has an interactive where you can generate your own national anthem! They write:
It’s the dream of every Olympian: win a gold medal and hear your country’s national anthem as you stand atop the podium with tears of joy streaming down your face. Every anthem is different, and the Sochi Games will give us the opportunity to hear patriotic tunes from all around the world. Drill down a bit further, and individual U.S. states have official songs extolling their verdant hills, luscious forests, and majestic mountains. But why stop there?
With Slate’s Anthem Generator, you can create a song that celebrates your city, neighborhood, apartment, company, or anything else. Just type in a place and we’ll do the rest, smashing together lyrics from 90 different anthems. It’ll be up to you, though, to come up with the melody.
This is what I got when I entered “North Carolina” as the place for which to generate a new anthem.
The Different Crown
Anthem of North CarolinaAnd if we have to die,
What does it really matter? Our children
Everywhere will be able to say how
Triumph comes through battle,
And in the smallest village
Sing beneath our three colours.In our revolution is the end of empty talk;
And we have resolved that North Carolina shall live –
So bear witness, bear witness, bear witness!
In my mouth and in my blood,
Your love stirred up as light and fire.Hail, hail to the entire Universe
Let us unite our efforts on this immense building site
Whence will be reborn anew
Great Humanity.To work! In order and dignity,
In the respect for rights and in unity,
Breaking poverty and tyranny,
Holding high the flag of the Fatherland.
North Carolina arise! Let us struggle without faltering.
Full story: Slate.
Photo credit: dolimac –
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