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Busting 5 myths about social media privacy

Posted by / July 2, 2013


In the age of social media, it’s easy to over share, and not just when it means posting pics of your sister-in-law’s wedding dress before the groom gets a glimpse.

If you haven’t checked the facts about social media privacy issues lately, take a look at this article by Nick Threnchard at Sgrouples and you might find yourself second-guessing what you post on social media far more often.

Myth 1: Users Have Privacy Rights against Social Media Sites

As social media consumers, we tend to take things for granted. We may expect to be protected online by certain rights as it pertains to our personal information. But the fact is that there are no regulations nor constitutional rights that prevent social media companies like Facebook and Twitter from tracking our every movement…

Myth 2: Your Personal Data is Yours and Yours Alone

This one is just as untrue. The data that you supply to social media sites is largely factual information, which is excluded from any intellectual property laws that you may think you have. Those internet privacy laws only protect against creative expression, which social media sites don’t usually touch…

Full story at Sgrouples.

Check yourself on social media.

Photo credit: Fotolia

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