China’s big undersea plans have military experts on edge
Posted by staff / June 25, 2016
Humanity has managed to put a research station in space, but it’s the Chinese who are readying to take the dive and set up shop in Earth’s lesser-explored regions.
The first phase is to construct a deep-sea station in the South China Sea, ostensibly to hunt for minerals, but the region is controversial due to disputes with Vietnam and the Philippines and puts the rest of world on edge because of where the project goes from there: the Underwater Great Wall of China.
As LiveScience explained:
According to reports that surfaced in May, the underwater wall refers to a network of floating and submerged sensors designed to detect enemy submarines. Intelligence agencies have presumably known about these plans for a while, but China has only recently gone public with details on the system — and the underwater robots and drones that would be involved.
Yes, a wall of sea drones. It appears Captain Nemo jumped into the 21st century with an army in tow and is working for China.
Full story at LiveScience.
US has put those undersea censors at many different location of the high sea to track enemy’s ships and submarines. This is nothing new in this world, ape ugly to US.
When China is doing sometime, everything old becomes new because to some, a weak China is the only acceptable China. Advance sonar to deter U.S. and Japan submarine is a threat to the peace and freedom of navigation.
@Kuo David, stay on topic. The issue is China has no right to South China Sea which is in international waters. Live by international law or go back to your isolation.
Alex, you got the Bell, who said China has no right to SCS?
Alex, you got ball(s), who said China don’t have right to SCS?
Communist china want to control Asia by the wall .This will get invasion for easy. Communist china is more dangerous than Japan in 1945. Obama administration will stay in Asia for momentum. Obama should sent nuclear weapons for philippines. His army should go home. they are not worthy in ASia.
The paid Chinese who comment here crack me up. I just don’t understand why the Chinese government pays these people to comment on news articles, when it is so obvious they are working for the Chinese government.
China: You are cursed by the west and some of its followers. You are dam-ned if you do anything. And you are dam-ned if you don’t do anything. Just do it and ignore the noises.
China: Just ignore what everybody else says. Just do what the U.S. does. Don’t give a Dam-n to the propaganda.
There is an old saying in the USA, speak softly but carry a big stick. It is time for the USA to bring out the big stick.
Mike China has the right to south china sea so are the rest of the world this is international water. Military power can’t change the fact that this is international water, it’s all about calculated move (at stake is billion barrel of oil deposit and mineral,aquatic resources) if neighboring countries is intimidated by Chinese action in this region just like in Tibet they will grab everything as long as nobody making violent reaction they will continue this aggressive behavior.
China said the SCS belongs to China because it called South China Sea. Very stupid logic. Why the Sea of Japan doesn’t belongs to Japan? Why the gulf of Mexico doesn’t belongs to Mexico? Why the Indian’s Ocean doesn’t belongs to India? Why all the Atlantic Ocean doesn’t belongs to USA (they have a city named Atlantic city) because it’s absurde. The Chinese communist party will cause the WW3 because of their stupidity and again, the Chinese people will suffer because of that….
@john m. China never claim the SCS. They claim the Spratley islands chain in the SCS which some are entitle to the 200 mile ecz. Now those islands are spread out far apart in the SCS. So imagine those island have 200 miles ecz for each of them..its a pretty large area in the SCS. The Vietnamese and Philippines who have occupy some of these islands are basically SQUATTERS…who use the UNCLOS to claim islands don’t belong to them. China back then didn’t have the resource to patrol the SCS islands. Now they it’s a matter of evicting these SQUATTERS.
While this is about as serious a topic as there is, the paid Chinese shills are definitely humorous. I wonder if they are salaried, or if they are paid by the comment. Anyway, the article writer inserted a little humour, I’m sure intentionally. In writing about the underwater activities he says “according to reports that surfaced…blah blah blah” pretty good!
The ADIZ (Area Defense Identification Zone) for each country is overlapping at this section of the China Sea. There are no visible transparencies currently discussed at the present time the dictates of the maritime regulations (old or new). It is the absence of clarity that defines provocation. If none is established, let us sit down and discuss a legitimate, viable, and equitable solution to make it legal. Infringement of right and exercise of interest is a mere squat.
What the f**ck is the USA doing in the South China Sea anyway?
Forget about chinese wall in space or underwater, they have been already succeeded building people’s army of china all over the WORLD (legally or illegally). Until few years ago, you cannot have two childrens in china, but outside it is okay to destroy economy of that country by living on taxpayers freebies.
This is a typical article selected by Yahoo to spread hate among different peoples. Based on the comments that I read, very few commentators understand what the UNCLIOS is. Many just curse China as if what the author says is the real truth. Many think the South China Sea is just a high sea. The South China Sea is actually 3,500,000 square kilometers or 1,400,000 square miles. Inside there are islands, islets, clay… etc. According to the UNCLOS, islands generate 12 nautical miles of Territorial Sea, 12 more nm of Contiguous Area, 200 nm of Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), and/or no more than 350 nm of Continental Shelf. China claims all the islands, islets, and submerged features that are within the 9-dash line that the government of China drew in on its official map and published in 1947. The basis for China to claim is:
1. Historic – China says it dates back to the 1200’s when Chinese gradually discovered, named these islands or islets and administered throughout the times
2. Contemporary history – China demarcated these islands, islets, clay… etc with a `11-dash line, later they removed two dashes and becomes the 9-dash line. These islands, islets, clay include the Spratly, or known in Chinese as the Nansha islands, and the Paracel or Xisha islands.
3. China says that the Philippines has legal basis to claim any islands or islets in the SCS. The territory of the Philippines was fixed by three international treaties before the US allowed it to be an independent country in 1946. The treaties demarcated the map of the Philippines lies in the east of the 118 degrees of the east longitude line. But the islands or islets the Philippines claims lies to the west of the line.
4. China says that Vietnam gave up any claim of territory in 1958. In 1958, the Premier of Vietnam sent a diplomatic note to the Premier of China. The diplomatic note says that Vietnam recognizes and supports China’s claim of 12 nautical miles of territorial seas in the South China Sea, which includes the Spratly/Nansha islands and the Paracel/Xisha islands. People can go to google a copy of the original diplomatic note.
5. China says that the Cairo Declaration of 1943 and the Potsdam Proclamation of 1945 stripped off Japan occupation of those islands in the South China Sea and East China Sea and reverted them back to China. By virtue of action, US warships and Chinese war ships together voyaged to at least bigger islands to receive the return of those islands back to China. One of them is called the Taiping island, the biggest of all the islands in the SCS.
So based on the above facts, China says that its claims is indisputable. I hope people here can discuss China’s claim based on what is known. I hate people try to coin others as “paid wumao”, or “paid Chinese shills”. I welcome others to discuss it based on facts, not labeling others. It won’t work like that. Only people who can’t produce facts and try to curse others are losers.
In 1958 there are 2 Vietnams, South Vietnam and North Vietnam, Premier of North Vietnam sent a “Note” without South Vietnam agree is invalid; besides, anybody who can write and read can make such a “Note”. Even Premier of Vietnamese Communists barely write and read still can make it, it is even amazing today with Computer and Printer, by the way I have made 100 copies with my signatures as Premier of North Vietnam . . . . . .
@Thoithe, yes there were two Vietnams, the North Vietnam and the South Vietnam neither one recognize the existence of the other. The North claims the South while the South claims the North. If you have just a little bit of the concept of international law, you will take back what you said. It is sarcastic for Vietnamese to say since the North gave up territory which they didn’t own, so it was invalid. The fact is that the North claimed the whole Vietnam and the North defeated the South. By the Principle of Estoppel, the North Vietnam, which is the government of now cannot deny for what they have said or done. This is international law. If China says the same like Vietnam, most of Siberia should go back to China. Thoithe, your logic is moronic. Besides, Premier Pham Vandong sent a diplomatic note to Premier Zhou Anlai of China is very legal. The diplomatic note was proper signed and the seal of the then Vietnam was properly placed. There was/is nothing illegal about that. Your name maybe illegal but the diplomatic note was perfectly legal. Also, the original diplomatic note is still kept by China. You’re right, you can make 100 of similar notes, but illegal. The legal one is properly kept. You are a fool to make moronic logic on that. You are making people laugh. How can the Chinese try to negotiate with people like you? I strongly advise don’t even argue on this kind of fake basis. It makes you look like a moron in the eyes of the intellectuals.
Correction to my comment: The 3rd point should read: 3. China says that the Philippines has no legal basis to claim any islands or islets in the SCS. The territory of the Philippines was fixed by three international treaties before the US allowed it to be an independent country in 1946.
China grows so fast