College cheating scam helped 750 families
Posted by Jimmy Cooper / March 14, 2019
A recent FBI investigation has revealed the largest ever college admissions scam.
William Singer, owner of college admissions companies Key Worldwide Foundation and Edge College & Career Network, the alleged ringleader of the scam, has pled guilty to accepting bribes totaling $25 million. He also to have worked with over 750 families.
Parents paid Singer, who would in turn have people take admissions tests for students, ensuring perfect scores. He would get the students labeled disabled in some way. He would fake athletic credentials and bribe coaches. These Bribes were often disguised as charitable donations.
While most of the students seem to have been unaware of their parents schemes, some did know. Take the case of Isabelle Henriquez, for example. She is the daughter of Manuel Henriquez of Hercules Capital. Isabelle took her SAT at a special location, where the proctor worked with Singer. The proctor sat next to Isabelle and gave her the answers “After the exam, he ‘gloated’ with [Isbelle’s mother] Elizabeth Henriquez and her daughter about the fact that they had cheated and gotten away with it.”
What should be done with these students? To maintain the credibility of higher education, there can be only one option: all students who benefitted from this scheme must be immediately expelled or, if they have already graduated, their degrees must be nullified. If they wish to try again, then they must re-apply to colleges under a pseudonym, carefully monitored by an independent agency. Allowing anyone to benefit from cheating devalues the degrees of the millions of Americans who worked hard to earn those degrees, and it makes a mockery of those who make massive financial sacrifices to attend college. The parents of these students should donate money to provide scholarships for low-income students.
More education.
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