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Coming soon: ‘Terminator-style’ contact lenses

Posted by / November 23, 2011


Scientists unveil their vision of the future by fitting a contact lens with a rudimentary LED display.

Imagine having streams of helpful digital information beamed directly to the surface of your contact lenses. That’s the dream on which engineers from the University of Washington are working. They’ve already succeeded in creating a computerized contact lens embedded with a tiny LED that lights up when a wireless signal is sent to it.

How does the prototype work? Well, this “Terminator-style” accessory is largely made of soft plastic, says Alyssa Danigelis at Discovery. The center of the lens is fitted with a “custom-designed LED” made of sapphire. A circular antenna lines the “inside lip of the lens,” which allows researchers to send radio transmissions and control the single-pixel display on the LED, which flashes on and off when it receives a signal.

Full story at The Week.

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  • Anonymous

    Amazing and Stylish