Duck costume soothes anxiety-ridden rescue goat
Posted by staff / November 26, 2016
Ever notice how wearing the right outfit makes you feel different, whether it be more powerful in a pantsuit or super chill in your favorite pair of pajama bottoms?
A little goat named Polly understands. Leanne Lauricella, who runs Goats of Anarchy, was having trouble finding a way to keep her newest charge calm, not an easy task when Polly suffers neurological problems, blindness, and extreme anxiety.
During a trip to Marshall’s, Lauricella spotted a child’s duck costume and thought it would be cute on one of the baby goats. Sure enough, it proved to be the one thing that soothes Polly’s savaged soul.
“There’s something about that duck costume that calms her. She goes into a little trance. She just closes her eyes and she’s out.”
And you can’t argue she doesn’t look cute as a button.
Full story at The Dodo.
Must be a defence mechanism, it goes to shock and shuts down once you put on the costume on her, like a fainting goat.
You should NOT be rescuing goats. I agree with MAAA. Plus you have her sitting in an totally unnatural position. Seems abusive.
Goats are people too! All babies like to be loved & warm. I had to raise two newborns, bottles & all. I bb
ecame their mommy for life!
Ah, let the experts chime in. Ugh.
My comment was not meant for you Bellabay! Looks like we commented at the same time.
I notice she is in a sitting position, which is the same position that sheep farmers place their sheep while they are shearing them.. This position has an immobilizing effect on sheep and I wonder if it has the same effect on goats? Makes more sense than a duck costume!
Why don’t you naysayers and know-it-alls just shut up with your comments and let the rest of us enjoy the story that has nothing to do with your asinine remarks but to tell a story of caring.
WTAF??? I bet taking her out of the costume, diaper and the shopping buggy seat, and then letting her run in the yard LIKE AN ACTUAL GOAT would do her good as well !!
You may be well meaning, but what you are doing is ABUSIVE!! This costume is for your own entrainment. Please find a rescue farm, they would be happy to take this poor animal and give it a proper home and care. This would be an act of true kindness on your part!
The goats, not being in any way abused, that, I could tell, if the goats happy, who cares, how he sitting. The goat knows, how to move to change, positions, if it’s uncomfortable. People do things to make them happy, if the lady, likes to rescuing, goats, that’s good.
The costume has the same effect as “thunder shirts” for dogs who are easily frightened (e.g. by thunder). It’s the sensation of being held gently and warmly that gives the animal (humans too) a sense of safety—as if still in the womb or nest. That’s all. No biggie.
I don’t know if what this woman does to the goat is right or wrong but one thing is obvious here: The lady loves this animal and she is doing what she thinks is best for it. I am hoping that the goal is as comfortable and contented as it appears. I would rather read this story then a thousand of other sad stories of real abuses and tragedy.
The idea of the costume and now the effect of pocket are wonderful solutions for this blind, anxiety full little goat. How or why there is a goat rescue is a different issue. Glad she is observant and dedicated to help these handicapped animals.
That is so cruel making an animal sit in a cart positioned like a child. Think about how you would feel if someone made
you sit or be in a position that is not natural to you. The poor thing looks like it’s in pain! Grow up!
Oh, here we go with the negative comments. The goat is calm and feels secure.
It was rescued by someone who could give it the nurturing it needs to feel secure.
All of you wannabe experts need to shut up, have a Coke and a smile!
This Goat is identifying as Duck. Duck & Goat lives matter!
Well..pretty sweet. I think it is a combination of the Thunder shirt effect and the immobilizing stance. Betting the baby is in the cart because these selfless people won’t leave an anxiety ridden animal alone and have limited resources. Naysayers, please get out and do something positive for another however small.
Read the article all you naysayers.
The goat suffers neurological problems, blindness, and extreme anxiety.
Let it have it’s costume.
What an adorable little critter. I absolutely love goats. I’ve raised quite a few of them, and babies love to feel secure and protected, I believe this costume does just that. She doesn’t feel as vulnerable as she once did. She’s covered, warm, and not being hurt. bless this lady for her insight.
And for those who thing the little kid is being abused. You don’t even have a clue what abuse is to a goat. I’ve wrapped up adult goats in blankets from the cold and they LOVED it. Don’t be so ignorantly critical.
Here’s a li’l goat I say, you might not want to take it out to play, but don’t worry; it’s happy…
WOoo-Hooo-Hoo, Hoo-Hoo, Hoo, Don’t worry, it’s happy…
Li’l goat is sitting in the cart, may not be able to make a fart– but Doan worry, he happy…
When he wanna go out to play, it goin be da month of May, so down worry, it’s happy…
He may not see the Sun a shinin’, might have tremors in his spine– but doan worry, he happy…
Woo-Hoo-Hoo, Hoo-Hoo, he a medical wreck, but he is certainly circumspect, so doan worry–he happy….
It’s probably like being in the womb or in a cave-safe
Maybe the goat would not be so stressed out if she did not try to treat it like a human baby. Maybe a place that feels more natural like the outdoors or a barn with a run, certainly not the grocery store in a shopping cart. Maybe goat rescue is not her calling, you have to give the animals respect and she is not doing that. Calling attention to the animal by taking it to a grocery store dressed like a duck just makes it a public spectacle. The goat is being robbed of its dignity by having people stop, stare and laugh. I think her intentions may have been in the right place but her action is way off. Anyone who thinks my statement is too critical: I choose to advocate for the animal and in this case, he needs more than just a duck costume. He needs someone who will let him be a goat.
I would bet that all of you people that are insulting and judging this woman, would also be the first to eat the little goat.
I am so happy to see the little goat in such a relaxed state, ’cause everyone knows that you don’t want your animal anxious before you eat them… Goat patties, bar-b-qued goat ribs, young tender goat sausages, yummmmmm! This little goat is ready to go– you can’t get a finer cut of meat than a tenderized and pacified baby goat in a duck costume– just Sayin’….
And for that person speaking about the goat’s dignity– how much more dignified and proud could the little goat be, than to provide a wholesome meal for it’s owner! The epitome of loyalty!
Relax! It’s a goat for heaven’s sake. Do all you naysayers have degrees in husbandry? I thought so. This goat is riddled with health problems that will plague it for life. It would have been euthanized from the get go. But this group stepped in & took on what most would consider not worthy of keeping alive. Whereas you are all quick to condemn the methodology others have found value in a life, as handicapped as it may be.
You do what you think is best. If the goat seems happy this way, then bless you for trying
Yup, yup– I agrees wit dat lady, its da thundershorts! Every time I’s let loose a bit of thunder into my shorts, I feels warm and fuzzy all over. I thinks I have da same neurological condition dat goat gots…
II’s been thinkin’ bout gettin’ inta a duck suit 2, cause I’s kinda growing outa my rabbit outfit now… it’s true, all poltics aside, goat lives trump duck lives! We luvs to be trucked around in a shopping cart with our thunder shorts visible for all to see… where does ya think we gets our self-images and dignities from anyway. SIlly Wabbit– duck suits with thunder shorts are made for us goats! Goat lives matter!
Dear God, why is a GOAT in a shopping cart in Walmart, or wherever? Of COURSE the poor thing is traumatized! People, please stop treating animals like the children you never had. They are not human and should not be (mis)treated as such. (Yes, I’m including all your precious doggies and kitties as well). Let them be what they are, FGS! Repeat after me, in the voice of Janeane Garofolo: “Uuuuuus…Theeeeeem. Uuuuuuuus…Theeeeeem. Uuuuuus…Theeeeeeeem.”
Well this is just too cute!! Poor little fella needed a Thunder Shirt type garment to feel safe and comfy, and he got it. Glad this lady has him and loves him.
Yar matey, cap’n O’ Brien her– been work in’ wit goats since 1882 in the potato famine fields of Scotland… what we has here is clearly a goat overdosed on anxiety meds! Dat goat is worthless as a worker in the fields!
Someone needs to wake dat goat up and get dat goat back to work! I’ve witnessed many “slackers” dressed in diapers afore, Jes tryin to git outta work in da fields… we hook ’em up to 220 and lite ’em up- you oughtaa see them l’il carpetbaggers go! Kinda like puttin’ a fire in der pants!
Jes remember Cap’n O’ brien says– a sleepy goat is a weepy goat, and I gots no time fer cry in’ on da job! A sparky a day keeps dem goat blues away!
It’s warm! Like a mother’s egg.
Sad to see all the armchair veterinarians out there saying the things they are. If this animal didn’t have all the problems it did then I could see treating it like a regular goat but this seems to be a special animal with equally special needs. If they feel it helps the little thing feel better that should be a good thing no matter what species you are. I say use whatever works…
I am truly in shock over the comments here! Poor little feller– I think not… this lady is clearly showing her goat the love of family, as most of us do! In our family, our goats eat, sleep and mate with us!
They are not shamelessly separated from our family and forced to endure harsh conditions in the fields, as I have witnessed so many times. Where is PETA, the ASPCA or GreenPeace for those critters? Our goats are properly dressed at all times as in the pictures, and yes; where we go, they go. Such blatant segregationist policies as I have noted here– you folks are in the minority! All goats will one day take their rightful place among family members nationwide and share in the fruits of their labors, as our goats always have! This discrimination will end– goat lives matter!
Are you kidding??
Why yes, yes, as a matter of fact I am– you are incredibly astute; one would have to get up awful early in the morning to pull on over on you Sherlock…
Why Yes, yes I am– YOU are incredibly astute; one would have to get up very, very early in the morning to pull one over your eyes…
My cat is like this too! The first time I had witnessed this with my cat was for Halloween. I had put this onesie style costume on him, and he wouldn’t let me take it off of him! He was so comfy and content with it on!
It is like a Thundercoat for Dogs!
This is stupid! Is this a fainting goat? Goats don’t belong sitting in shopping carts with clothes on. I love animals too and I raise goats. This was for your entertainment and has nothing to do with what is right for the animal. You’re behavior is creepy
Creepy??? Abusive???? ARE YOU KIDDING (no pun intended) ME?!?!? What kind of nut case, liberal, PETA freaks are you?!!!! How many people do you know would love and care for a blund goat with disabilities? Liberals claim to be so “fair” and yet ironically you’re the most judgemental people there are!
Sure, the election is over and you, yes YOU, feel the need to bring politics & philosophy into it anyway… It’s a goat– not a presidential elector, a polling place, a political think tank or a vicious (god forbid) Democrat– JUST A GOAT! Get over the election and try to come up with something “goat-centric”… You, Yes YOU can do it– just try to expand your God-endowed Australopithecus brain into goat land and think GOAT… GOATee, goat chops, goat-flavored pancakes– there are many acceptable choices available! I knew you could do it! Your a winner!
Ok… Those of you who have it in for the goat– put down the crack pipe! The goat is obviously serving the role of service animal to this woman who has anxiety issues and a propensity to blame these issues on the goat… Many people, unable to confront the reality of their own mental weakness, use a “scapegoat”!
This animal– despite appearing lethargic, is obviously providing this woman with a companion which allows here to walk, untethered into her local grocery store for subsistence shopping. This is the core objective of independence!
So please folks, let sleeping goats lie, for they may appear to be useless; but are providing a valuable service to this individual who otherwise might be a resident of an asylum.
Women dressing animals up in people’s clothing demonstrates their unconscious desire to have kids.
Reinforcing this idea is the fact young goats are called, “kids”. I rest my case.
Neurological problems? Anxiety? In a goat? Are you serious? Or seriously stupid? It’s a GOAT. Stick it outside or put it out of our misery.
I I think this woman truly cares for this goat and is doing her utmost to soothe this creature and make him happy. Kudos to her!
Notice all the idiots who are outraged by this. Hint, people, if the goat hated the outfit, the goat would be struggling not sitting calmly. It’s the same as wrapping yourself in a warm blanket, when you are feeling depressed. I’m sure the goat is not in pain wearing a costume made for a young kid it’s not like the goat is wearing a straitjacket made to keep a person immobile. Who knows the REAL abuse the poor animal was subjected to.
You know people are the most F—-d up people in the world somebody helps an animal and they are accused
of being cruel to the animal to other hateful names. Why don’t all of you negative people just keep your
comments too yourself. We all ready know that is going to be impossible for those morones now don’t we.
To the lady with the goat. THANK YOU for wanting to make that little goat feel loved.
The only real issue is the fact that it’s a COSTUME! I’m sure any warm covering would work just as nicely. The fact that the lady chose a duck costume to make the animal look absurd for her own amusement is profoundly disturbing. Ever hear of Munchausen Syndrome by proxy? Remember Kathy Bates in Misery? Animals should never be treated as toys or playthings, no matter how much you “love” them. They have a right to dignity and respect, too.
These comments can really get my goat. I think I will duck off and read something else.
All animals and humans like to be snuggy. The goat being blind goes by touch and smell only. The outfit is soft and it feels a lot like mom would. I raise goats and although I don’t choose a duck outfit or put them in a shopping cart. They do like dog beds and dog sweaters when they are babies, especially if mom is not around