Felicity Huffman to spend 14 days in jail for cheating her kid’s way into college
Posted by Josh Taylor / September 14, 2019
In a sign of everything that’s wrong with America, actress Felicity Huffman will only spend 14 days in jail––and a very cushy jail, at that––for taking part in a massive college admissions scandal. This is supposedly bad news for Lori Loughlin, who, unlike Felicity Huffman, has shown no remorse for her actions.
But really, is 14 days enough? So many students work incredibly hard––too hard, in fact––to get into university. They pay ungodly amounts of money to Kaplan and other test prep giants so that they can game the SAT, they high private admissions counselors, and when it’s all said and done they take out an average of $30,000 loans per student. Of course, the poorest students often take out the most, and they hope to reap huge rewards.
The looming student loan crisis began to make many question the worth of a college degree, at least insofar as it was weighed against crushing debt. But for many students, the Singer scam has broken their spirits. The admissions process is so obviously biased and broken, they think, that it’s not worth bothering about. Especially now that it’s clear the super rich can cheat their way into top schools with minimal punishment.
More about education.
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