From the Ugh Files: Neo-Nazis from group called H.E.S.S. hired by Amazon Germany
Posted by staff / February 17, 2013 AmazonAmazon GermanyHensel European Security Servicesmigrant workerssecurity guards
Someone at Amazon’s German offices made a colossal mistake when they hired a security firm called H.E.S.S. to oversee the security of seasonal migrant workers at Christmas.
Hess of course, was the name of Hitler’s deputy.
In this case it stands for Hensel European Security Services but that, combined with the uniforms and jack boots and intimidating nature of the security men proved most unsettling and someone filmed a documentary about it.
From the article:
Heiner Reimann of the Ver.di union, which represents employee interests at a plant in Bad Hersfeld in central Germany where the filmmakers recorded the security guards, said that the young men, sporting black bomber jackets, jackboots and short, military-style haircuts, made invasive spot-checks at the temporary residences where the workers were stayed.
Mr. Reimann said some of the men were wearing clothing made by the company Thor Steinar, a brand popular among Germany’s far-right extremists, whose clothes have been banned from the country’s Parliament building, and several German soccer stadiums.
“We are talking about Polish workers who were kept in a holiday camp with a fence around it and were being watched by guards,” Mr. Reimann said in a telephone interview.
“We are in Germany,” he said. “We have a certain history to respect.”
Full story at The New York Times.
Photo credit: daboost –>
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