Grannies shooting Fireball whiskey for the first time [video]
Posted by staff / January 4, 2016
Shots with Granny isn’t an idea that occurs to everyone, though you might be tempted to give it a try (note, we resisted the pun) after seeing these seniors throw one back.
Now, with my own Granny, she’d buy it to kick off the holiday cooking, as you can see in the picture below, which was taken right before we gave the turkey breast implants a few years ago:
Seeing that this year, we spent Christmas Eve at the home with my buddy in the final stages of Alzheimer’s disease, it’s memories like these that become precious.
While my own Grandmother never even flinched doing a shot, these grannies were newbies to the experience.
This one’s for you, Twila.
Full story at Huffington Post.
Graphics credit: Canva
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