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Happy National Hug Day

Posted by / January 21, 2011


Why not mix up the trip home tonight by celebrating National Hug Day with all your bus-riding buddies? Those who don’t pull a can of pepper spray will thank you.

National Hug Day was established in 1986 and has the potential to be a real feel-good holiday thanks to the psychological power of the hug. Numerous studies have shown that human contact is essential for one’s well-being from the cradle to the grave by lowering stress levels, brightening a dreary day and making a body feel validated.

So, skip the handshake and wave on the way out of work, and reach out and touch someone…appropriately, of course.

Full story at Time Newsfeed.

Really happy holidays.

Photo credit: Fotolia

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  • VictorG

    I’m actually kind of frightened to hug a major fraction of the human race. I prefer not to have physical contact with females other than my wife. How does a guy know if a woman would not claim assault? I mean I’m frickin terrified I could wind up labelled a sex offender, in which case I know I would commit suicide because life is over at that point. Or if I’m at work, I could get hit with a sexual harrassment claim. I don’t even hug my daughters, because it is just too legally hazardous. I would rather be labelled emotionally cold than a sex offender, you know. So I don’t like to touch my daughters ever and there is no way I would ever let them sit in my lap. I will hug my two boys though because its safer. I don’t like things the way they are in this country now days, but one cannot act like a fool, there is a war on men no doubt. Women are imprisoning millions of men, filing restraining orders on them to make the men look like psycho stalkers just to be cruel to the men. My wife does not treat me all that well, I really wonder why I ever got married in the first place. It is a very bad deal for men. Our only function is to provide, and that is pretty much it. I do enjoy fishing trips with my boys though. I can have fun with them. I feel like a prisoner in my own life, I fought in war, I saw all these men dying for no apparent reason, so many suicides really. I just see things as they are, men are disposable garbage to women.