Hear a master whistler at work
Posted by staff / April 10, 2017
Singers, musicians, street corner drummers we’ve all seen, yet a whistler who’s raised it to the level of art?
Molly Lewis refers to herself as a “human theremin,” because — let’s face it — just saying you’re a whistler sounds a bit odd.
“People don’t understand what I do, unless I say I do it professionally,” she says. “But it’s so much more.” There’s a quote she likes, from Fred Lowery, a whistler from the 1930s: “Whistling is a magical gift, and there’s always a place in this world for magic.”
In fact, there are international organizations devoted to whistling, albums that inspired her passion, and enough appreciative audiences to keep the pros in business.
Go ahead, and give a listen.
Full story at Atlas Obscura.
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