Heartbreaking middle school teacher confession of real life in schools
Posted by staff / July 3, 2017
Look at any comments section about education in the United States, and you’ll find people talking about the laziness of teachers who don’t “appreciate” their supposedly easy schedules.
Sixth-grade teacher Kerstin Westcott explains why she left the job she loved in the Green Bay school district, and it is nothing short of gut-wrenching.
Lieutenant Jeffrey Brester, who is in charge of the school’s security, had this to say:
He said the resource officers take the issues at the schools seriously and take whatever steps are needed, but also need help from parents and the community.
“It’s not a police issue. It’s not a school issue. It’s almost a community issue,” Brester said. “We need support from parents. We need parents to hold children accountable.”
Of course, this story is nothing new to teachers around the country.
Full story at Green Bay Press-Gazette via Boing Boing.
Starts around 1hr 32min.
Welcome to the New America!
Thank God we are not breaking these students spirit. Only the staff and community,
Wow. Speech ended and then back to business as usual. Good luck all of you at Washington
I am so sorry for the children and staff at Washington. The parents of these out-of-control children need to take a hard look at themselves and apply a hefty dose of tough love.
Why my kids went to private schools.
If we don’t get the parents involved this goes nowhere. The school can only do so much!
You white people should be ashamed of your selves and your white flight!
Amazing, it was like no one heard or acknowledged what the teacher said.
How is it possible that not a single person gave her a hug after such an emotional speech?
Or applaud her for her courage in speaking up?
Or thank her for her years of service to the school?
What is wrong with EVERY PERSON IN THAT ROOM?
Kerstin, you are the greatest advocate for your students.
Thank you for your dedication to our children.