How a car engine works [animated infographic]
Posted by staff / September 18, 2013 car engine worksinfographicJacob O'Neal
Ever wondered how a car engine works but were too afraid to ask for fear of your car repair bill getting bumped up several hundred bucks?
Well, now you can take a peek risk-free thanks to this incredible animated infographic by Jacob O’Neal.
Just click the small version above, and the next time you have to head to the garage, make them show you exactly where the problem lies.
Full story at Jacob O’Neal via Jalopnik.
[…] o diesel, os ponemos un enlace a una infografía de Jacob O’Neal que nos ha llegado vía All Top, el blog de Guy Kawasaki, especialista en marketing. […]
[…] This fascinating page was shared by my pal, Theresa Paltzat. From the site: “Did you know that your car will take in 20,000 cubic feet of oxygen to burn 20 gallons of fuel? That’s the equivalent of a 2,500 sq. ft. house! If your only experience with a car engine’s inner workings is “How much is that going to cost to fix?” this graphic is for you! Car engines are astoundingly awesome mechanical wonders. It’s time you learned more about the magic under the hood!” – The URL: […]
[…] For the Science 8 class – how does a car engine work – great animation showing the pistons at work AND it’s disturbing how much oxygen is burnt up for this process – check it out: […]
Hi Jacob,
Nice Infograph! I always like such ways of delivering information. As it has been said “A picture can say a thousand words”. I am always keen to know about automobile info and facts. Just like yours I have found another infograph for maintaining your car and regular safety checks. Though its not an animated one but still very informative.
Reference –
Thx for sharing. Very interesting
Very interesting article, I like how you can see the engine in the video.
[…] nous vous proposons un lien à une infographie de Jacob O’Neal qui nous est parvenu à travers All Top, le blog de Guy Kawasaki, spécialiste en marketing. […]