How a horse is castrated
Posted by staff / June 26, 2013
Check out this photo essay of animals in the news by The Atlantic.
Photo credit: Theo Heimann/Getty Images
Check out this photo essay of animals in the news by The Atlantic.
Photo credit: Theo Heimann/Getty Images
Things have changed a bit since Rawhide, eh?
Heeehaaw? Huh? Happy Eunuch's Day!
hooo que esta pasando?
TMI, +Guy Kawasaki, TMI
Hope he doesn't have gas for her sake!
The Theon Greyjoy veterinary college.
+yovanny de jesus Reina – Están castrando el caballo.
It works a bit differently out here in farm country. If you have a weak stomach, don't do an image search.
At first I thought that was the new birth.
Isn't it just the same as with men?, i.e balls chopped off. Ouch!
What I want to know is "Of all the pictures on that link… you found this one to be the most interesting?" you're a little freak +Guy Kawasaki ! lol
Actually +Matt Moran they really have not. Most castrations still take place out in the field or barn with the horse standing. : )
fantastico, ayuden a los animales que ellos igual nos ayudan, felicitaciones
And all this time, I thought it was done with a pair of hedge trimmers!
female horse castration
+Donna Martin – ah, didn't think so. What would cause them to use all this expensive setup? I'm thinking a truly expensive horse would be a racehorse but you'd want to breed from a successful racehorse, right? Is this purely for teaching veterinarians?
The orangutan and the horse were a bit sad, but a fascinating photo essay nevertheless.
A clean, clinical procedure compared to the past or country farms maybe. But it would only be perfectly modern, if the horse could actually choose like human patients do. But that's just fantasy, of course. Sigh.
Was this really necessary +Guy Kawasaki ? LOL
These were great. Loved the horse washing and, to be honest, I've never seen an alpaca before. Pretty awesome.
What's next? A pic of +Robert Scoble in his shower wearing #GoogleGlass ? =P
Of course, the hard part is teaching the horse to "roll over" and play dead."
Thats the biggest pinga she will ever see
Huh, I only got a local for my vasectomy.
Gosh, a good set of hobbles and a sharp knife in the barn, compared to this? I can see why horse racing is an expensive sport.
I've seen a much simpler way to do this… this looks a little exaggerated to me and expensive… lol
Its called the HUMANE way to do it. I'm an LVT.
Cannot watch ——-
Some joke about Stirrups goes Here…
Holy crap!
This picture made my knees weak…must….sit….down!
Wow! That's uh…interesting.
Well as well that's one way of doing it, or you just put the horse down with meds, roll him on his side hook his right rear leg to his neck to expose the growing area. Then a few slices then stitches and your done. That way in the picture Looks way expensive though. DR. POLE Animal planet.
Of all of the pictures in that photo essay, you had to pick that one…
I don't know why but the first thing I thought of was the film Blazing Saddles which depicted them hanging a horse, punching one in the face and even a scene where the horse was having an affair with someone's wife… i think it was the positioning of a horse in those peculiar situations triggered the association with the above picture.
poor guy
no its not……….. maybe if you have a million quid to spare,
usally its, tie them up, half put them to sleep but there still standing and half conscious. and cut them off with a bit of iodine to stop infection.
If you think you're having a bad day, here's some perspective…
Good pic to show modern era and Vet Tech … but far, far away from reallity in farms and country around the world and pretty sure not only in poor countries using rustic methods, but also in first world countries. Cheers and hugs! 😉
+1, -2
i went to the vet once to get that done, its cheaper than going to hospital.
Looks like an incredibly expensive way to handle an incredibly simple procedure to me…
Hmmm….interesante und….schon
poor poor y ?
I had no idea….
This looks a lot more surgical than what I saw on the farm…
the vet came out gave some sleep stuff, lowered horse to ground -did the deed and gave him something to bring him back out and when he came up he almost kicked the Vet's head off.
That isn't how James Herriot did it.
What would you do ?
oh mien that's so weird …………………………
Just when you thought you've seen everything….
I knew this lady that would castrate her animals herself… she said it was too expensive to take them to the vet….and that her family had been doing it for 40yrs.
it was or is a standard procedure for small farming for many a century.
Freaky to the eye……….
Yesterday, Vic posted animal porn. Now, Guy posted horse castration. What's up with you Google+ers ?
# should've been #holyhorse
At least poor horse is under general anesthesia…..and I bet he'll be sore for a few days.
This picture makes me hurt. Gonna go sit on the cold tile floor for a while.
holly cow, that's really weird