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How Cheltenham became the typeface of the NY Times

Posted by / February 4, 2010


A recent post on idsgn tells the dramatic history of The New York Times’s official typeface, Cheltenham. Originally created in 1902 by a American Gothic architect wanting a legible font, the font was widely used in newspapers around the turn of the century, notably becoming one of The New York Times’s choices for headlines font in 1906. Nearly a full decade later in 2003, the newspaper settled on Cheltenham as the single font family for the publication.

Read the full article at idsgn.

More on typography and design.

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  • charles

    1906 to 2003 is nearly a century later (not a decade later). A decade is 10 years. A century is 100 years. I think you want to use century instead of a decade later. Unless I am misreading something here.