How to make an oil lamp from things around the house
Posted by staff / October 14, 2013 oil lamp
Though stocking up on batteries and flashlights is always lurking somewhere on the to-do list, the long lines and empty shelves that precede any disaster are ample evidence many of us are not perpetually prepared for the worst.
That’s why it’s always good to know what you can do with those things you probably have plenty of in the pantry. Inhabitat’s Lana Winter-Hébert gathered four clever ways to make an oil lamp from common household items so you’re not left completely in the dark.
Orange Candle
I’ve never tried this one personally, but it sounds quick and easy to make, and is probably both very aromatic, and delicious to create.
What You’ll Need:
– An orange, cut in half
– Olive oil
– Lighter or matches
Take your halved orange and scoop out the fruit, leaving one long, thick piece of pith in the middle of the shell. Add oil until only 1/4 inch of pith is visible. Light the pith wick, and watch it burn.
Full story at Inhabitat.
Photo credit: Fotolia
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