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How to make your very own Cabbage Patch Kid

Posted by / January 4, 2014


First, have a baby. We’re not going to fill you in on the details of that process because a huge chunk of the Internet is already devoted to that, but if you can manage, make it a chubby-cheeked baby.

Next, buy it a wig.

Lastly, resist the urge to tattoo your signature on its butt. They’re not going to thank you for that down the line.

Rumor has it there are patterns all over the Internet for making these, but speaking as a person who still can’t finish off a scarf after ten years of knitting (and can’t make anything more than said scarf), they’re a steal at twenty-eight bucks!

File this under “Why didn’t we think of this earlier?”

Full story at Diply.

Your very own doll baby.


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  • […] First, have a baby. We're not going to fill you in on the details of that process because a huge chunk of the Internet is already devoted to that, but if you can manage, make it a chubby-cheeked baby.  […]