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How to reengage detached employees

Posted by / November 30, 2013

Stronger Together - Lifting the Words

When an employee checks out, is it game over? Not necessarily, says this Open Forum article. There are four ways you can get your distant employees to put some skin in the game. For example:

Give Them Ownership 

Through these conversations, you want to help the employee feel a sense of ownership over his behavior and capacity to change. Putting the ball in his court gives him a greater sense of control and responsibility. That’s why asking questions—and getting feedback from an employee—is the smartest way to go. Managers can troubleshoot, but they don’t always have all the answers.

Rather, employees know themselves best and may come up with the most reasonable, innovative solution that benefits everyone. Managers, as catalysts for change, can help facilitate this by continually making expectations and goals clear and consistent and striking up these performance conversations regularly.

“Managing employee performance means you are leveraging your resources,” Green says. “If you coud do it all yourself, you would. But you can’t. It is critical to develop trust with your employees. Allow them to excel. As a manager, your employees’ success makes you look good.”

See the rest at Open Forum.

More leadership advice.

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