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How to satisfy a man

Posted by / June 21, 2013


Buy him a Man Crate! I got the BBQ one for Father’s Day.

More about men.

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  • Great idea. Thanks.

  • Now this is a great idea I hope they will be a great success

  • This is an awesome site.. fantastic niche idea. The Jerky Ammo can would work for me. The BBQ brass knuckles press is saweet! 

    +Michael Ehline This is worth bookmarking for next year. 😉

  • BBQ, protein, survival, fishing, bacon, babies (with pacifier and earplugs), caffeine, beer, camping.

    So men are supposed to be outdoorsy boozing body-builders who stay up all night, unless it's to take care of a baby because they hate that.

    I feel like I should be offended.

  • Um, "wooden crates that you open with the included crowbar." Um, if the crowbar is inside, how do you use it to open the crate? I guess you need to order 2; 1 to smash open, and one to pry open with the crow bar in crate 1.

  • Sweet

    Sent from my iPhone

  • Ooh.. that looks fun!

  • +Bryan M. Griffith it was an amazing catch 22. BUT, we know as men we can open crates with our bare hairy hands.

  • Smh.. I want a man crate.. the zombie one…

  • This is awesome. Thanks for posting!!!

  • Bon appetit!!

  • cool

  • Nice idea!!!

  • +Bryan M. Griffith The crowbar was in the packing box, not in the crate itself. Ask a woman to explain how this would work. 🙂

  • @Guy Kawasaki, some dude packed the box for other dudes.

  • That'll go over just like a man purse.

  • I would not mind it for cooking out

  • That "zombie survival" one looks amazing. 😀

  • That is indeed a nice package ! Jealous 🙂

  • Have you tried Aunt Mays Bajan Pepper Sauce?

  • I got several lols from this post and the comments.  I love the smell of entertainment in the morning!

  • What a great site. Thanks for sharing this.

  • What a great site. Thanks for sharing this.

  • Sold!

  • Sold!

  • If only it were just a little bigger, you could move in.

  • Ha love the zombie apocalypse one.. Especially the fact that it comes with Twinkies.. Just like zombieland

  • I wish they did a UK version!

  • Would it be wrong to purchase one of these crates and send it to myself ;-).  I guess my other option is to leave hints for my wife, but that might take too long.

  • Thanks +Guy Kawasaki! I want the zombie survival crate and the booze/flask crate. Weapons and booze! It's the American way!

  • g

  • wow

  • I wish I could get this shipped over to Italy!!!! Looks like your set for the weekend!

  • Awesooooooome thanks for sharing this awesome find.

  • Tell me this is a Joke!

  • +Robert Stagner Send me her email address, and I'll tell her to buy you one.

  • I want one for my birthday gift!
    This will be available in stores?
    Hoping for it.

  • +James Hollenbeck
    Cry about it

  • For people with more money than they know what to do with!
    Half of what you're buying is the crate and crowbar which are the two items you will use the least!

  • +Eric Bruch you have a point, but the ammo case looks nice as well. In my opinion its creative .

  • +Eric Bruch So go to four or five stores including the Army surplus store fifty miles from your house to find everything in the crate, put them in plastic garbage bag, and give it as a gift. How fun!

  • Never seen these before, they are pretty cool…hope you enjoyed yours, +Guy Kawasaki

  • I so want the coffee one!