How to talk like a Brit [video]
Posted by staff / October 18, 2013 University of Albert AlumniUniversity of AlbertaWinston Churchill
Now that you’re putting the finishing touches on that Winston Churchill or Henry VIII costume for Halloween, there’s one last detail you simply must get right: the accent.
Fortunately, University of Alberta drama professor, David Ley, has a quick two-minute tutorial that will have you speaking like an upper-class Brit faster than you can say “Cheerio!”
Feel free to hold off on grabbing those cigars and turkey legs until closer to the date, though, since neither taste very good stale.
Full story at University of Albert Alumni and Friends via Laughing Squid.
Photo credit: Fotolia
That’s one of the best speech training in helping you talk like an upper class Brit. Crisp, concise, and exceptionally well presented.