If you can’t grow it, fake it: The hairy chest sweatshirt
Posted by staff / April 5, 2013 Brown Bearschest hairhairy chestnatural fur
Nothing said “sexy” in the 1970s more than a chest full of fuzzy, but even if nature didn’t grant you a natural fur is no reason not to sport the look thanks to this beauty.
What makes lumberjacks, 70s television stars and the giant Brown Bears of Alaska so irresistibly attractive to others? Simple. Their long, luxuriant chest hair.
Sadly, the recent ‘man-scaping’ trend has led to an epidemic of people pedantically plucking their pecs. Oh, the humanity.
Thankfully, we’ve found a solution (while you wait for your rug to regenerate). The 70s Hairy Chest Sweater. This 100% polyester sweater is almost guaranteed to increase your masculinity, virility and ability to chop wood.
Or not.
Full story at Firebox via Laughing Squid.
ewww. Manscape, so we don’t have to make tshirts like this LOL
go to a beach babes will be laughing at you lol