Jeffrey Epstein wanted to create a super-race with his DNA
Posted by Josh Taylor / August 5, 2019
Discussions with his friends and colleagues have revealed that Jeffery Epstein is more than just a pedophiliac pervert––he’s a creepy pedophiliac pervert. The New York Times interviewed dozens of Epstein’s acquaintances and read public documents, all of which indicate that Epstein was fascinated with the possibility of engineering a race of super humans using his DNA. This interest is called transhumanisim, a more sophisticated and slightly less overtly racist descendent of eugenics. Epstein reportedly wanted to use his New Mexico ranch as a literal breeding ground.
Attorney Gloria Allred confirmed that she is representing a number of victims, and that there may still be more victims coming forward. Lawyers have also announced that there will be a whopping one-million pages of evidence.
Epstein made his name as a hyper-rich financier, but a New York Times article revealed that his fortune may have been more myth than reality. In 2008, he was arrested for sex crimes (and defended by current Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta). Earlier this month, Epstein was arrested on federal sex traffickingcharges. He was denied bail, so instead of returning to his New York city mini-mansion, he was forced back to jail.
Later in July, Eptsein was found unconscious in his jail cell with injuries around his neck. The cause of the injuries is unknown, though sources told NBC news that Epstein may have been trying to get released home or sent to a different jail.
New material may help solve the mystery of Eptsein’s injuries. The day before he was found, he was served legal documents that detailed a woman’s claims that Eptein raped her when she was fifteen. Among other things, the documents claim that the accuser has “critical evidence” of Epstein’s guilt. If Epstein remembers the girl––which may be hard, since there were allegedly a lot of victims––then he may remember exactly what that evidence was, which might explain his suicide attempt.
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