Korean news station turns tables on KTVU’s Asiana name prank
Posted by staff / July 28, 2013 AsianaCaptain Sum Ting WongKorean newsKTVU
When Asiana Flight 214 recently crashed and a smart aleck at the Bay area’s KTVU decided to poke fun at the pilots by inserting fake names such as Captain Sum Ting Wong, not everyone was thrilled, but it’s good to know that our friends overseas aren’t afraid to turn the tables.
After the landing gear failure of the Southwest flight at LGA [a Korean news agency] showed this graphic with American pilot names “Captain Kent Parker Wright”, “Co-Captain Wyatt Wooden Workman”.
They even went as far as making up fake names for people to interview. Flight instructor “Heywood U. Flye-Moore” and skeptical passenger “Macy Lawyers”.
We know we can dish it out, but how well can we take it, America?
Full story at Slothed.
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