LA Times owner calls social media “cancer of our time”
Posted by Josh Taylor / September 27, 2018
Patrick Soon-Shiong, billionaire owner of The Los Angeles Times, has said that “The short attention span we’re creating in this millennium is actually very dangerous. It’s the unintended consequences of social media.” Social media, the former surgeon says, is a “metastasis of news” that confuses people. Readers no longer know the difference between fake news, opinion news, and real news. Soon-Shiong is the latest in a series of billionaires to own media companies, including Marc Benioff and Jeff Bezos.
Full story at CNBC.
More about social media.
Lazy readers don’t know the difference . The idea is to believe it’s the internet’s fault . When ample facts exist to verify most news and with time of a news story . The facts surface or not . No facts . Not real . Sustainable facts and evidence . Real . Reading and research . Using the scientific method . All contribute to reality . Not a story . Lies exist in those who only choose it to be true . Because it fits their beliefs or wants . These people have always existed The internet gives them to much voice and childish tantrum power . It overrides academics. And is cheered as truth because the insult and cuss and threaten in a conversation . They are right . .