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Leadership lessons from Apollo 13

Posted by / October 22, 2013


NASA called the Apollo 13 mission a “successful failure.” Clearly, Apollo 13 failed its objective to land on the moon. Nevertheless, the entire NASA team pulled together to bring the stranded astronauts home safely. What can leaders today learn from this? Here are some of the lessons we can draw:

Prioritize and Communicate — NASA didn’t worry about anything other than saving the crew. The lunar landing objective was abandoned within minutes of the initial explosion. And everyone on the gigantic NASA team understood it.

Experience Takes Experience— There’s no substitute for hours and hours of actually doing something. It’s the best preparation for catastrophe. NASA’s people had been in the lunar-landing business for 9 years when the explosion occurred aboard Apollo 13.

For more, see Forbes.

More leadership lessons.

Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

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