Man raises baby duckling in his beard
Posted by staff / January 11, 2014 chicken eggsduck eggsSpongi
In the wild, baby ducks are known to snuggle up under their mother’s wings for warmth, comfort and protection — but what’s a lonely duckling to do in Brooklyn?
A Redditor named Spongi was recently faced with this problem after accidentally bringing duck eggs instead of chicken eggs home for his incubator.
One of the eggs hatched and all of a sudden Spongi was left wondering how to raise it. And it turns out that the baby duck took to tucking in under Spongi’s beard.
Peeps, the duckling, has now grown in to a duck and still sits on Spongi’s shoulder. And will soon have company, because three new duck eggs are in the incubator waiting to hatch in to playmates for Peeps.
Full story here: CBC.
Photo credit: Screenshot of photo posted at Imgur
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