Man, these are some ugly animals
Posted by staff / June 19, 2013 animalsFlickrSimon Elgood
Discovery compiles a collection of ugly animals that need saving.
Photo credit: Simon Elgood, Flickr
Discovery compiles a collection of ugly animals that need saving.
Photo credit: Simon Elgood, Flickr
That's just fugly. Hope it lives deep down in the oceans.
Looks like something from the Muppets.
When I look at these animals, I think how we humans can look ugly to them… ugly and bad 🙁
That's what they say about us too…
Great webinar by the way Guy!
great post
Looks like my wife.
that is so nactey
When ever I see this fish pictured above I sometimes get frightened
No way! That fish is in Men In Black 3 and I just figured it was something they made up since it was all CGI! Go figure
but isn't it this ugly because it was pulled out from its own place on the Earth?
Uncle Billy… Is that you?
Hey! Its Squidward! Lol
Do we need to save them?!
+Sonja Zlatovic
but isn't it this ugly because it was pulled out from its own place on the Earth?
No, it was just as unattractive back wherever it came from. It just didn't have to deal with human perceptions.
Always remember folks, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but ugly goes clear to the bone.
looks like a pokemon…
no it"s a jimmy Durante fish
Looks ugly to humans but I bet you it's opposite sex will find it extremely handsome/beautiful.
It looks happy. What a slungish species.
beauty on the inside, never judge a book by the cover
If always liked the blobfish.
That naked mole rat however. Maybe the planet would be better off.
Blobfish… Seriously my 4 year old likes a show called "octonauts", guess I learned something!
Its the network executives from that South park episode about earth being a TV show
Looks like "Kilroy was here"
thats too ugly :p
awwh what a cute animal lol
Well, not to his mother.
Looks like my mum.
looks like someone poured gravy on a catfish
how would it tast
Never an uninteresting post from +Guy Kawasaki
They are wildlife
Men In Black 3 made this guy famous
yep the fish on the counter in the fish shop.
I think I just threw up!
The Jimmy Duante Fish?
ugly critters need love too :p
add me as a friend..thank you
add me as a friend..thank you
looks like my little brother after a long night out.
looks like my little brother after a long night out.
aaaahhhhhh!!!!!!that is ugly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aaaahhhhhh!!!!!!that is ugly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree ugly……
I agree ugly……
And I thought Jabba the Hut was ugly!
And I thought Jabba the Hut was ugly!
ugly creature!
ugly creature!
Someone decapitated Ziggy!
Someone decapitated Ziggy!
Looks like my Uncle Ralph.
Looks like my Uncle Ralph.
The Real Squidward?
The Real Squidward?
you're not a kiddin'
you're not a kiddin'
ca va tourt le mode
ca va tourt le mode
It's Mr Saturn!
It's Mr Saturn!
Reibcarnation is real, and thats president nixon.
Reibcarnation is real, and thats president nixon.
That's kind of cute…in an odd sort of way!
That's kind of cute…in an odd sort of way!
It's John Boehner after crying one too many times!!!
It's John Boehner after crying one too many times!!!
This is how some people feel on a Monday morning.
This is how some people feel on a Monday morning.
What is it?
What is it?
I was almost scared to press the next arrow button coz some of them just look so gross. Poor things
I was almost scared to press the next arrow button coz some of them just look so gross. Poor things
Good that we are the man
Good that we are the man
Kawasaki bike
Kawasaki bike
only thing that endangers those is surely a healthy diet with strict policy on junk food…
only thing that endangers those is surely a healthy diet with strict policy on junk food…
Batter it! Fry it!
Batter it! Fry it!
Ghostbusters 😀
Ghostbusters 😀
So ugly it's kinda cute.
So ugly it's kinda cute.
A face only a mother would love?
A face only a mother would love?
Looks like something out of a Doctor Who episode.
Looks like something out of a Doctor Who episode.
That is the ugliest thing i ever seen.
That is the ugliest thing i ever seen.
It's not ugly to another Australian blobfish! True beauty comes from within and radiates outward…like ugliness it can't be hidden by outward appearances.
It's not ugly to another Australian blobfish! True beauty comes from within and radiates outward…like ugliness it can't be hidden by outward appearances.
What the hell is that thing?
What the hell is that thing?
If reincarnation is real I hope my ex wife comes back as this thing.
Gulpin from Pokemon?
Now now now, no need to judge, I wouldn't say "ugly"…. It's more like "homely", a little make up and I know a few guys who'd talk to it when drunk enough!
That looks like my step dad
When this animal talks.. I imagine it sounds like the Charlie Brown teachers do. :p
just needs a fedora 😉
I always wondered what Ziggy was.
Damn that's a really weird and ugly creature lol
I agree with you
MIB 3 .. thought they made that up in the movie.
I just wanna poke that
That's the ugliest Mr. Saturn I've ever seen.
That's the ugliest Mr. Saturn I've ever seen.
that looks like snot that came out of an ass
that looks like snot that came out of an ass
Didn't humans come from the ocean or seas?Mayby it is some sort of missing link? B-)
Didn't humans come from the ocean or seas?Mayby it is some sort of missing link? B-)
Looks like it's the Marjory the Trash Heap of the sea..
Looks like it's the Marjory the Trash Heap of the sea..
What is it???
What is it???
Read more about it at :
If the question was to me,if you did refer to the OP ingress,I dont know,I didn't open the link.
Read more about it at :
If the question was to me,if you did refer to the OP ingress,I dont know,I didn't open the link.
I think I used to work for that guy.
I think I used to work for that guy.
What the hell is that
What the hell is that
Not nice at all what if u look like that :-[
This is soo weird looking
Omg what the hell is that it sort looks like my motherin law
+Guy Kawasaki It looks like my ex.
That look like my ex
Atleast let us know what type of ugly animal it is!
+Michael Shee it's called a blob fish.
It's not ugly, he is what he is. We are not to judge him. I've seen worse, with too many tats and way too many body jewelry. Lol.
That animal lives in the ocean and that ting that looks like his nose is actually part off his skin
Thats what it is thats one ugly fish
Snotball w/eyes! Ughhhh.
Sushi, anyone?
Blob fish
My band loves ugly animals:
Goody – Lighters (Official Video) (Dir. by Mason Carlton) (FREE DOWNLOAD IN DESCRIPTION)
+Michael lander lol
So ugly
I bet it has a nice personality, though
It looks like something that just came out my nose
IT looks like My mum just took her teeth out before going to bed, :-[
Cute! +Guy Kawasaki
it looks so weird and creepy
Very easy to tell which posts are yours since you don't allow comments to be deleted. Predictable. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
okay. thats just weird.
What is it?
+Guy Kawasaki a face only a #mother could love.
you got that right
Its caled a blob. They dont have any bones so move throuhg water wobbling. I think theybr cute +Tazein Mirza Saad
Thank you for explaining dear +Maisie Venn
it looks like ELMO isn't it?
those animals need a lot of help. 😉
What is IT?looks like one of my boyfriends after I dumped them. So sad.
Thankz Tazein Mirza Saad im terrible at typing so soz for spelling add me