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Meet the Megging, jeggings for men

Posted by / January 19, 2014


Remember the big hair bands of the ’80s and those skin tight pants?

Well, they’re baaaaa-aaack.

Meet the Megging, jeggings for men from a Chicago design duo that consists of Adam Freck and Andrew Volt, men who, we assume, have legs cut like statues of the Greek gods of old.

Hey, if they were good enough for Shakespeare’s cast, they’re good enough for the modern man, but these come in a variety of fabrics from metallics to Old Glory.

All hail the man leg! After all, women in yoga pants shouldn’t get all the grief.

Full story at Meggings via Neatorama.

Fashion you’ll regret in twenty years.

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  • Invictus

    Unbelievable; what has happened to masculinity of man, after murse, now the megging. Guys, you can’t get any girls in this! Man up.

  • Those are the sexiest neatest pants ever!!! Now I want a pair!!!