Men and women differ on regrets about sex
Posted by staff / December 2, 2013 David BussMen and womensex researcherssexual attractionsexual experiences
There appears to be a stark gender difference when it comes to feeling remorse about sexual experiences, and researchers say evolution may be to blame.
Men are more likely to regret not taking action on a potential liaison, and women are more remorseful for engaging in one-time liaisons, new research finds.
“Prior sex researchers have focused primarily on the emotion of sexual attraction in sexual decisions,” says David Buss, an evolutionary psychologist at UT Austin. “These studies point to the importance of a neglected mating emotion—sexual regret—which feels experientially negative but in fact can be highly functional in guiding adaptive sexual decisions.”
Full story at Futurity.
Photo credit: mrhayata/Flickr
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