Mobile marketing: 5 fundamental pillars for 2014
Posted by staff / November 12, 2013
Cheryl Conner, a contributor at Forbes discusses what she calls “fundamental pillars of mobile marketing” for the coming year.
The opportunity for mobile marketing is exploding. Portio Research predicts mobile subscribers worldwide will reach 7.0 billion by the end of 2013, 7.5 billion by the end of 2014 and 8.5 billion by the end of 2016 according to web resource
According to data shared by Forbes editor Lewis Dvorkin, of 49 million visitors in July, 40 percent of views of the most popular post came from smartphones, and an additional 6 percent came from tablets. Overall, Forbes’ monthly visitors have now surpassed 50 million, and I will personally be surprised if within the next year mobile readership doesn’t comprise at least half of the total readership sum.
And so with the widespread use of mobile phones, comes a demand for marketing to their users. There are 5 important points about marketing for mobile phones and they are:
- A unique, branded mobile app
- Redeemable Deals
- Event Notification
- Loyalty
- Customer Referrals
And because I love a deal, here’s what the article says about point 2:
Pillar Two: Redeemable Deals
Customers love a good deal. They love a deal even more when it is personalized, relevant and available from their mobile phone, at the ready to use any time. One of the most important features of a mobile marketing strategy is the ability to identify targeted customers and to provide them with unique and personalized mobile deals. In the mobile arena, it is also important that deals contain both graphical elements and text. In addition, deals should be redeemable directly from the device (the equivalent of an electronic, single use coupon). When you accomplish this, you achieve the holy grail of marketing: the ability to track exactly how effective each deal is, with data from the moment of delivery to its actual redemption.
Read about the other “pillars” here: Forbes.
Photo credit: Yael Weiss –
[…] Cheryl Conner, a contributor at Forbes discusses what she calls “fundamental pillars of mobile marketing” for the coming year. The opportunity for mobile marketing is exploding. […]
[…] Cheryl Conner, a contributor at Forbes discusses what she calls "fundamental pillars of mobile marketing" for the coming year. The opportunity for mobile marketing is exploding. Portio Research pre… […]