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New cold-resistant cockroach found in New York City

Posted by / December 10, 2013


If you happen to see roaches out wandering the wintry streets of New York, bundled in a Santa hat and carrying a big bag of horror for all the kiddies to enjoy, it isn’t spiced eggnog that’s the problem, but a species from Asia that just couldn’t resist the lure of the Big Apple.

Happy holidays!

The good news is that they’ll likely become competitors for already-existing roaches in the city and likely won’t be interbreeding to create an all-weather roach nightmare:

There also is little likelihood that the different species could interbreed and create a hybrid super-roach because their genitalia don’t match. “The male and female genitalia fit together like a lock and key and that differs by species,” Evangelista says. “So we assume that one won’t fit the other.”

Well, that’s comforting. Anyone figured out how to use these as a renewable energy source yet? That’s a Nobel-worthy idea if ever there was one.

Full story at Newswise.

Imported nature.

Photo credit: Fotolia

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