Pack of feral dogs rips a car to shreds
Posted by staff / October 14, 2016
Get ready to second guess going to the dog park for a playdate after seeing what happens when a pack of dogs lets their wild side run amok.
This footage was caught in Turkey, and resulted in $1600 worth of damage.
The owner called the police thinking it was a theft attempt…then they watched the surveillance cam footage.
Full story at Jalopnik.
What a crock. Yep these dogs used their teeth to Rip the metal from the car. probably dismantle the engine then put it on their backs and stole it. Kate Rinsema are you the most gullible person in the world or what.
most likely they have seen cars, if not THIS CAR hit dogs, KARMA fot the way they treat dogs there,
That’s BS. Theres a squirrel or cat in that engine. Something got their attention. Their tails are wagging. You freaking reporters really need to get a job.
There HAD to be SOMETHING under the hood that the dogs were trying to get to. A cat? A squirrel? Any kind of small animal that would seek shelter under the hood to get away from dogs!
Cat all the way ! , one dog had the cat in his sight , as one said his tail was wagging , and bet he almost had it if someone didn’t scare them off , dogs will be dogs .
Maybe Turkish cars are made of ham!
something stinks here..
yup there had to be something they were chasing because they went to the other car first if you watch it from the start of the tape you will see what they were after . but they don’t show you that part why????
Maybe they left a Turkey sandwich inside the car.
Given this evidence I would have no problem killing these dogs.
I just love reading all these comments….
The real question is were they gone in 60 seconds?
Thy where looking for Hillary Clinton
John Kramer, I would have no trouble killing you if I saw you killing dogs
What a joke. We see a group of dogs run past the car and then turn around and start sniffing around the car. ALL wagging their tails. What we don’t see is there was probably a cat running from them and hid in the engine compartment and that part of the video was left out. These aren’t viscous wild dogs.
The dogs smelled something under the hood….If you watch closely, there is. You, reporters film anything to make some money.
I’m thinking, LIVERWURST….
John Kramer, you are a idiot!
Nanette, you are an idiot. Feral dogs are known to attack people and there have been documented deaths. If these dogs can do this to a car, imagine what they could do to a kid walking by. I’m with John, I’d eliminate all these dogs. Call me nuts, but I’m more of a people person. Now go pet your nine cats.
lol.. This is staged for the dogs.. Notice no head light.
BS move on. Only the liberal fools would believe such a thing.
That’s not real, it’s all computer generated.
cat + kangaroo nope but A squitten is a cat with unusually short forelegs or unusually long hind legs that resembles a squirrel. It is an example of a cat body type genetic mutation. The word squitten is a portmanteau of the words “squirrel” and “kitten”.
To Rick Towne and John Cramer: you two are brain dead to believe this wasn’t staged by friendly dogs wagging their tails. Maybe Annette will join me to track you down, tie you up and tell my dogs to lick some sense into you.
Those dogs were definitely Conservatives , they thought the car was food . Pretty dumb huh ? Looks like WHOKNOWS was in that pack
Indeed these dogs are after something inside the engine compartment, it wasn’t an all out attack on the car its self , I don’t know about the type of dogs but I use to hunt with blueticks and beagles and they would do anything to get what they was going after . Looks like they have the mentality of wolves . Im sure it wouldn’t be a safe place to be if you became the target for what ever reason ….lots of sharp teeth per dog .
Doesn’t anyone else see the orbs in this video? Maybe, it had something to do with Karma!
Yeah you can definitely see the eye shine from some critter in the front engine compartment at about .51. I think it was in the middle and moved up to engine for safety when the dogs all crowded the middle of the car.
KRAMER I hope you suffer Your SCUM and so Is your mother
sizzling bacon on the engine….
Antifreeze? Maybe thats what they smelled?
I’m with you John Kramer, if this was my car, I don’t care staged or credible, I’d go after them with a vengence!!
Did you noticed that they are always looking at something or somebody, who may be giving them a command at their left? And they periodically try to run to that left upper corner on the screen? And then they run back to the car… Somebody definitely commands them what to do. They are trained dogs, not feral
It is Trump’s fault
Hahaha! Can’t believe no one realizes that THIS is what they do when they catch a car….dogs are always chasing cars…LOL
If you’ve ever had to work on ona thos pos’ u’d tear it apart too…
The Question is why?Did they sniff some Drugs or maybe another animal hiding in there.
They clearly trying to get to something…a cat perhaps, tthst was taking refuge in the engine…
I agree Karen there is clearly something in the engine compartment
Why are chunks of the video missing? Anytime you remove even one piece of the truth, it becomes a lie.
The story that’s attempted to be told here is a lie.
Dog’s Lives Matter.
Car’s Lives Matter.
Another one for the Farmer’s insurance Hall of Claims….
Car’s Lives Matter. It’s all Obama’s fault. Trump is a cokehead.
Get ready, cause this will be the norm, not the exception in the years to come
you all have it wrong an organize international car theft ring
you all have it wrong an organize international car theft ring lol
Black Labs Matter.
it’s bs
Usually a small animal(cat) has run under to hide.
Usually a small animal(cat) has run under to hide.
I think someone stuck some good dog treats in the engine compartment and the dogs were after it. I have never seen my German Shepherd’s tail wag like that when he’s after a cat or squirrel. I think its FOOD.
They looking for trump.
Regardless of the reason, smaller animal or treats, this shows what the dog species is capable of in small or large pack. Good thing they didn’t descend on a human, which has happened before. KEEP YOUR CHILDREN INSIDE!!!!
Put them to sleep
Dogs guilty of misdemeanor. Need a shaggy D.A.
That’s 30 seconds of my life I’ll never get back. Cat? Maybe.
Next time I need an engine tear down, I wont be visiting a mechanic …
I lived in Turkey. Many wild dogs and they are not a problem. KC, I’m with you……Kramer is an absolute idiot.
That is why a semi automatic rifle is such a good tool to keep around the home! Have a good silencer too so you can whack most of these vermin before they know what hit them!
That’s the last time I leave a half-eaten Philly cheese steak in my car!
Even dogs have their basketful of deplorables.
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Obviously these dogs were overcome by the anger generated due to no Ford drivers being in the top 5 of the most recent NASCAR race in Charlotte, NC. One dog was over heard growling, “Ford Fans Matter!”
I think there is drug inside that car, feral dogs sniff drugs or guns and yes they do go wild because they don’t like drugs and gguns dogs are against that.Good boys and girls doggys.The feral dogs are trying to tell you that the person who own something is bad person.Think again…..
This is stupid, it’s a computer animation. Not that there aren’t dogs who have torn up cars pretty badly, but this is soooo fake.
Must be real pos made in Turkey car if dogs can take it apart.
They obviously were chasing a cat or some sort of prey that hid in the car engine compartment. And to all the stupid people that think they couldn’t rip the car apart, guess again.
Youre kidding.. you idiots cant tell this is computer generated?
They were looking for Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump, because their bodyguards already dead.
It was a coup arrest the hounds