Photo essay of graduation ceremonies around the world.
Posted by staff / June 19, 2013 graduation ceremoniesphoto essay
See the joy as students around the world graduate from their schools.
Photo credit: Rahmatullah Nikzad/Associated Press
See the joy as students around the world graduate from their schools.
Photo credit: Rahmatullah Nikzad/Associated Press
I'm not seeing much joy in this pic. Unfortunate that this woman will only experience subservience to men the rest of her life.
It's pretty sad to see women powerless front of men there!
See what joy? Those guys don't look too happy, and you can't see any expression on the women's faces at all.
See what joy? Those guys don't look too happy, and you can't see any expression on the women's faces at all.
Where did all the Feminists go? To busy shopping?
Where did all the Feminists go? To busy shopping?
(Eye roll)
(Eye roll)
its enough for us !!
its enough for us !!
We expect more from an area of the world where deluxe transportation consists of a mule and the rusted rear half of a 1974 Datsun pickup truck?
We expect more from an area of the world where deluxe transportation consists of a mule and the rusted rear half of a 1974 Datsun pickup truck?
Its when she gets a bit older and goes to college that the burka comes off.
Its when she gets a bit older and goes to college that the burka comes off.
This is awesome!
This is awesome!
But she only graduate! Not able to look up! Worst for them nothing is meaning for this graduation!
"Ladies first "? haha Freedom…..?
But she only graduate! Not able to look up! Worst for them nothing is meaning for this graduation!
"Ladies first "? haha Freedom…..?
+Sacha Nacar, what? I opened the link just fine on my Android phone.
+Sacha Nacar, what? I opened the link just fine on my Android phone.
Why do you all assume there is no joy in this photo? It's a candid. Just because they are wearing turbans does not mean there is subservience to men, or unfortunate circumstances or powerlessness. That's just plain racism. Maybe we just caught a moment where there were no smiles – but you know that woman is joyful on the inside of getting a diploma of some sort.
Why do you all assume there is no joy in this photo? It's a candid. Just because they are wearing turbans does not mean there is subservience to men, or unfortunate circumstances or powerlessness. That's just plain racism. Maybe we just caught a moment where there were no smiles – but you know that woman is joyful on the inside of getting a diploma of some sort.
As others have noted, this is a bleak photo. These young women with only their eyes and hands visible, graduating to…what?
As others have noted, this is a bleak photo. These young women with only their eyes and hands visible, graduating to…what?
I assume the guys standing around are there to protect them from being shot for the crime of wanting an education?
I assume the guys standing around are there to protect them from being shot for the crime of wanting an education?
Why u are complaining?! Is it the freedom? Like there are a naked women there are women wearing the ( Hegab) or scarf. Also, u will find that all the pictures for the Virgin Marry, she is wearing the Scarf. And this is not a weakness.
What is this? Can she study in her home town!
I merely comment as to my knowledge of the role women play in the Islamic world. Please, PLEASE correct me if I am wrong. This photo, of women surrounded by men who, in my eyes are nearly containing their disdain, illustrates that while there is an amazing achievement, the antiquated ways are bound to continue. Shameful not to acknowledge the potential of women in the world. If this woman is pleased upon graduation then why are we not permitted to see her smile and join in her triumph?
They graduated from Al-qaeda high school
How many young female students died at the weekend in Pakistan? After being attacked by gunmen who then followed the injured to the hospital and killed a few more? Was 15 or 20? I forget, it happens so often it's hard to keep up
"From around the world" might be a bit of a stretch in this description I feel… How many of these pictures are from non-US places?
Proudest day of life…Now put on this balaclava while I take a picture.
good to know that people care for the victims. Which god authorizes killing in his name. ?Surprisingly these very students would have treated them if allowed to grow/live do they deserve to be treated in hospitals?Do these p deserve any kindness?
Loved this pictures. My favorite is number 10 from McCollough – it serves as a reminder that you never stop learning. It's a huge accomplishment to graduate from any degree as it shows commitment to the pursue of knowledge. Hope the graduates never stop learning.
As for the picture every is talking about from Kabul. If you have any friends in this culture you will know that there is no problem with it. They celebrate in different ways. Remember, its not like they have a huge experience in graduating ceremonies as women start getting more and more rights…this is a great step. As a reminder, covering the face is not part of Islam mandate (have read many books on this).
Ooooooweeeee eeeek
What did they learn?
They don't look very joyful.
not even gunna lie, the kid holding the diploma has swag! haha #Reppin
not even gunna lie, the kid holding the diploma has swag! haha #Reppin
not even gunna lie, the kid holding the diploma has swag! haha #Reppin
They're brain washed
Been naked doesn't make you free
+Rick Turner you nailed it. I agree completely.
+Rick Turner you nailed it. I agree completely.
+David Tedman lol, good one.
+David Tedman lol, good one.
gud 1 indeed
gud 1 indeed
Its good that most of people care about women freedom, and i really want to see the smile on her face and share her happinesd with Mr Rick Turner,
I want to remind all of u that thousands of women in Syria are kidnapped rapped and killed just because they are yelling for freedom.
Its good that most of people care about women freedom, and i really want to see the smile on her face and share her happinesd with Mr Rick Turner,
I want to remind all of u that thousands of women in Syria are kidnapped rapped and killed just because they are yelling for freedom.
Picture of retarded people.
cultures are all limited,human beings give more importance to them than to truth,freedom from the known!
they create and follow their culture according to their religion which i think is the best way , and you see hijab and representation of islam in this picture
what people know about islamic culture via the media is way far from truth .
what we really need is to start respect each other …
I believe in respect of all sentient beings in this world,peace is the
only way to respect and mutual help.
This +Guy start a flame post
All that matters is love and compassion,as Buddha said!
what's wrong and what's right?who knows?we can't judge without knowing,the only thing to judge is violence.
hahaha.. never thought Guy's followers are also dumb and base their judgement on what they see without knowledge of ground reality.. Phew! Try to send someone with a bikini on Indian roads and see what'll happen.. What's normal somewhere is not normal elsewhere. It's the difference in culture and values.
you have to wonder what she was allowed to learn…..
Seems to me there is a whole lot of judgement going on here. I don't know what the women are thinking. I find it amazing that all we in the west hear is that women are not getting educated, yet this picture says other wise. Seems to me i ist a step in the right direction. It at least means they can read and write. That is a step in a positive direction. Who knows what the village has planned next. Thank God and God bless the women and the village elders and may they continue with the work of see that the women are educated.
I can't believe there are a lot of haters and prejudgemental people in modern civilized society. Accept the differences. People celebrate things differently.