Photo essay of the Battle of Gettysburg
Posted by staff / July 4, 2013 photo essayPresident Abraham Lincolnthe Battle of Gettysburg The Battle of Gettysburgthe Gettysburg Address
The Battle of Gettysburg occurred 150 years ago. This photo essay shows what it was like. It includes a photo of President Abraham Lincoln giving the Gettysburg Address.
Photo credit: Alexander Gardner/Library of Congress
How easily we forget about history and sacrifice and exchange it for selfishness and pleasure. I fallen victim of it.
Such a powerful image.
This is the best Independence Day post I have seen all day…Thank you +Guy Kawasaki
I've never really associated the Civil War with Independence Day. To me, it's always been about the Revolutionary War and Congress adopting the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
+Rich Young You have a point, but it was fought between July 1-3. Easily often missed in popular media due to July 4th.
I bet there is oil there?
We did a guided tour with our kids years ago & everyone was fascinated.
What a shame. All those lives lost for what? And nobody better respond with 'freedom' as an excuse.
+Guy Kawasaki That is amazing. Here is another way to look at the Gettysburg battlefield.
thanks for sharing these +Guy Kawasaki … wasn't aware that there was an image of President Lincoln giving the Gettysburg address ….
Thanks for sharing this.
Lincoln was responsible for those deaths. He was a tyrant, a mass murderer, and he started the consolidation of power in Washington that has led to the Amerikan Empire of foreign invasion and domestic surveillance.
Wow thanks for sharing
that was very horrible
It was a war for states rights. It can happen again! Just look and listen!!
if only America had put the bs of bible behind us sooner…so many lives wasted, all because the Book says so.
Lincoln was one of our greatest presidents.
The war was one of state's rights and economic power. If you think Lincoln fought the war to free the slaves, read deeper than your 8th grade history book. Freeing the slaves (though the right thing to do) was part of Lincoln's strategy for prosecuting of the war, not the reason for it.
The American Civil War resulted in 750,000 casualties and was the bloodiest war of its time. It marked the start of industrial warfare, with automatic rifles and repeating Spencer rifles that required less time & skill to inflict damage. Distressing pictures.
Americans killing Americans. What a sad series of events. Hard to comprehend the magnitude of the battles.
Thank took +Kevin Gossett
States rights? Hardly, it was about the economic value of slaves and a way of life that couldn't last. Read the writings of the time, they tell the real story.
Thanks Guy, we can not truly appreciate where we are without a thorough understanding of where we have been.
+Travis Harrell Genetic/historical evidence shows that slave buying/inheriting slave "owners" were breeding with the people that they enslaved and subsequently enslaving their own progeny, to say nothing of over people's progeny as well. That strikes you as moral or irrelevant to the Civil War's creation? Or are you blaming Lincoln for their deeds in this department as well?
Would you be okay with being a slave and nobody lifting a finger to save you?
Or listen to you?
+Mark Kosmowski Before oil can be exploited, it exists in the form of living things.
War is so sad. Looking forward to a much better time. (Psalm 46:8, 9)
How about Vietnam…
Thank you for sharing +Guy Kawasaki
Only one image was taken after President Lincoln was finished with his now-famous speech. The photographer mistakenly believed Lincoln was going to give one of his long speeches and took his time focusing and framing his shot, when he was shocked and surprised that Lincoln was already finished and leaving the platform, he hurriedly snapped the only image of President Lincoln at the ceremony to dedicate the cemetery.
These pictures by Matthew Brady and his contemporaries brought the horrific reality of war home to America of the time. They need to be studied, preserved, and shown to all of the students in our schools today. Not the candy-coated rubbish taught to only pass the next test.
This is real history at its finest and most defining in our country's growing pains era. A wonderful share +Guy Kawasaki. Thank you.
[…] Photo essay of the Battle of Gettysburg – Holy Kaw! […]
Some real history
+Marilyn Jess very few southerners actually owned slaves. Less then 5%. Coincidentally a little less then 4% of free blacks and some indians owned slaves as well. I cant really see the rest of the south going to war so that less then 5% of them could still own slaves.
I read it in my history course once.
[…] Photo essay of the Battle of Gettysburg – Holy Kaw! […]
i am just sorry for this tragedies those days
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