Pit bull throws dachshund buddy under the bus when confronted
Posted by staff / August 29, 2016
When an insole is found chewed to bits, one dog must take the blame. This pit bull needs a few lessons in lying or loyalty to be convincing that he wasn’t the culprit.
Fortunately, his dachshund friend, Oddie, stands by him in his most humiliating hour.
Full story at YouTube via Laughing Squid.
I wonder if this guy beats the dogs so they are that scared when he confronts them .
Too cute. He didn’t even have to say a word, the guilt was all over that sweet dog’s face. No, Babette, he doesn’t beat them. They are clearly well loved dogs. The bully looks more ashamed than he does scared. This is exactly how my dogs are when they destroy my stuff. I come home and know something happened as soon as I see my dogs faces and body language. Not because I beat them, but because they know my demeanor as well as I know theirs and they know they have done something that is going to make me unhappy and tell them, “No! Not cool!”, and not be lovey for a few minutes. Dogs just want everyone to be happy.
Oh God, please don’t say that! How can you be mad at them, cause even when you know they’re guilty, they’re sooooo cute!
so cute!!!
@BABETTE If dogs got their due….! Dogs just want everyone to be happy, LADYD? What have you been smokin’??? Pray tell, if you have repeatedly expressed your “non-lovey” mode (sheesh, you crazy animal whackos have a way with words) why would a dog continually do something that you clearly don’t like?? Because they are DUMB animals and have no appreciation of “happy.” But hey! Who cares… all we need is idiotic cuteness and everything will be fine. smh
Do I really have to talk like a jerk to be considered a normal person? Obviously if I went into the dynamic of how I interact with and discipline my dogs it would be a lot more thorough than the brief comment I made. My dogs don’t continually misbehave, on the very rare occasion sht just happens. And yeah, they do want to be happy, something you seem to be missing.
What a beautiful pair they are…obviously well loved and well fed. Mister is just a gorgeous example of what pitties really are…sweet, loyal and oh so guilty when they’re caught red handed…lol!!! Hugs to both of them.
REALIST, you are the WHACKO. And my dogs are SMARTER than you!!!!!
I dont think so Babette…those are the guilty looks of dogs when they do something, esp pits….you can see how healthy the dogs are…and I really loveee that video…so familiar with my pit furbabies…..!!
No Babette. Dogs can sense when they are being confronted in that manner. Obviously they haven’t a clue what he was saying but knew he was confronting them. I dont beat my dogs and if I do this, they act the same exact way.
Poor Oddie.I want to give him a hug.The pitbull is the guilty culprit.
I bet that this guy beats up this dogs. You can see on their faces…they are afraid. Some people should not have pets.
How do u know he doesn’t beat them. He went on and on and on. ENOUGH Nothing cute seeing puppies afraid of the consequences.
That’s a really stupid title to put…Pit Bulls get enough bad press as it is… so you’re going to start with a title that says a Pit Bull throws his friend under a bus…even if it’s metaphorical…? Who approved that title?
When I scold my Beagle he looks very chagrined and cowers. Of course, he will do the same things again (steal any unprotected food) first chance he gets.
If you put your nasty, stinking shoes away, your dogs wouldn’t have them to chew! But no, It’s easier to blame the dogs!
Ohh the joy!!
Babette, I agree 100% that is EXACTLY what I thought, poor pitty just looks like he is waiting to get clobbered! NOT COOL at all!!!!
This doesn’t work. They are scared and confused. You have to LOVINGLY mark a bad behavior in progress with a loud “EKKKK” at the moment. Not later. then the command. As in NO bite, DOWN, NO lick, etc. Having an intimidating lecture just makes your dog insecure and develop nervous anxiety and then more bad behavior to relieve themselves of stress. This is NOT cute.
These dogs are in need of a lot of attention from their owner, dogs do theses things because of neglect, and lack of training!
Shame on him for yelling at the dogs. If you do not want the eating or chewing put them away. It’s like having little children in the house. Would you yell at them for something you did not put away. You do not desire these beautiful animals!!!!!!!
My dogs do the same when they are guilty and I have never beaten them !!!!
They aren’t beaten…dogs are just so hilarious when they know they have been naughty. I also have pit bull and a dachshund. They are the garbage bin culprits! Whenever they’re mad that I’m out too long, the garbage bin gnome strikes.
WOW there are some ignorant people in this world! Those dogs reaction is perfectly normal, they are loved animals.
If there was a bed nearby both dogs would have gone under it. The dog chewed the insoles, get over it.
I have NEVER raised a hand to my dogs and do nothing but love them, but when one of them chews the blanket she acts EXACTLY the same way, and I don’t have to say a word. The other dog is perfect and never does anything wrong….too bad for the bad dog….lol
Shaming an animal to train them is no more appropriate than hitting them. Fear is different than respect!
Sweet doggies they had a bad day all is good