Prince Harry’s new(ish) girlfriend
Posted by staff / February 25, 2013 Cressida BonasPrince HarryToyota Cressida
There’s an amusing article at Gawker about Prince Harry’s latest girlfriend, a model named Cressida Bonas. Apparently they’ve been seeing each other for about a year.
Here are some factoids about Cress-id-uh, as Gawker coaches us to call her:
Creh-SEE-duh or CRESS-id-uh?
CRESS-id-uh. You can remember this because Creh-SEE-duh is like “crostini,” which means “little toasts” in Italian. Cressida Bonas is not little toasts; she’s Prince Harry’s girlfriend, CRESS-id-uh.Cressida. Where have I heard that name before?
Perhaps you are the owner of the “inoffensive” and “tremendously capable” Toyota Cressida, a midsize sedan marketed by Toyota from 1976 to 1993. Perhaps in college you studied Shakespeare’s unpopular play “Troilus and Cressida,” whose titular Cressida is often characterized as “a whore.” Perhaps you are a major fan of the 2005 Will Smith movie Hitch, which featured a minor character named Cressida. The name is derived from Greek.
The article continues somewhat irreverently to point out that while Cressida claims to be a model, there is no real understanding of how she fills her days. She doesn’t have to work as her mom is a banking heiress.
Ahhh to be a banking heiress… or any heiress for that matter.
Read more at Gawker.
Photo credit: Sashkin –
I didn’t find that article amusing. It was quite mean-spirited. The headline was also false and misleading.