Remember that whole COVID thing? It’s still really bad
Posted by Jimmy Cooper / June 23, 2020
Remember a few months ago when everyone was freaked out about COVID? And then it seemed just to disappear? Here’s the thing––it didn’t disappear. In fact, it’s worse now than ever. This weekend witnessed the largest single-day increase in COVID ever. Hundreds of workers at an Arkansas Tyson plant have COVID, which will undoubtedly impact the meat supply.
One thing that’s concerning is that COVID-19 is on the rise in the United States again, but the White House is being almost entirely silent. While there are probably a few reasons this may be the case, one big explanation jumps to mind: the November election. If the Trump administration admits that there is a new outbreak, then they have to take action––meaning they would have to encourage closing the economy again. That would definitely hurt Trump’s election chances.
Additionally, if Trump acknowledges the latest spike in COVID cases then he wouldn’t be able to do his trademark campaign rallies. And, whaddayaknow, Trump announced a series of surprise rallies a few weeks ago. Why the push to do these rallies even though they’re dangerous? Easy: he’s getting punked in the polls and in ads. What’s worse, he doesn’t care about his rally-goers. Those who want to go to Donald Trump’s upcoming rallies must sign a document waiving their right to sue if they get COVID.
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