Secrets of successful college students
Posted by staff / March 14, 2013 successful college studentstypes of learners
Time has compiled a list of traits found in the most successful college students. They note first that, it seems to be all about what you do once you get to college, and not where you actually go to college.
Researchers show that there are three types of learners:
- Surface – they do as little as possible to survive;
- Strategic – these go all out to get good grades, regardless of whether or not they understand what they are suppoesd to be learning;
- Deep Learners – these are the students who leave with a real, rich education.
The article documents the general characteristics of those who excel:
- Pursue passion, not A’s [sic] [!].
- Get comfortable with failure.
- Make a personal connection to your studies.
- Read and think actively.
- Ask big questions.
- Cultivate empathy for others.
- Set goals and make them real.
- Find a way to contribute.
For full story: Time.
Photo credit: © Andres Rodriguez –
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