Should Justin Bieber Own a Pet Monkey?
Posted by staff / April 3, 2013 Biebercapuchin monkeyJustin Bieber
While I hate to criticize the Biebs, his recent fiasco surrounding his pet monkey Mally is a little disturbing. The capuchin monkey is currently sitting in an animal shelter in Germany after Bieber failed to provide proper paperwork for it to enter the country.
In a recent interview, National Geographic reporter Marc Silver asked Debbie Leahy, manager of captive wildlife protection for the Humane Society of the United States, if capuchin monkeys make good pets. Her response was a resounding “no.” As Leahy puts it, “You can admire an animal without wanting to cage him.”
Perhaps, when facing a decision such as purchasing a monkey for a pet, it would be better for Justin Bieber to always say never.
Full story at National Geographic via Why Justin Bieber Shouldn’t Have a Monkey.
Photo Credit: Felix Hörhager, Picture-Alliance/DPA/A
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