Small talk 101: 14 topics no one finds interesting (and 14 they do)
Posted by staff / October 23, 2014
Fast approaching is the season of parties, parties, parties when more likely than not, you will be forced to make small talk if you want to ever be invited back, so Amanda Stern decided to get specific about topics that will pique the interest of your audience and those that will bore them to tears.
Of course, asking them questions about themselves is the perfect fallback, but that isn’t as much fun for you.
Here’s a sample.
14 Topics which no one will find interesting. Ever.
1. How many carbs you had today.
2. Last night’s dream.
3. Any dream. (Unless the dream stars the stranger(s) you’re talking to, then it’s RIVETING.
14 Topics which everyone will find interesting. Always.
On the other hand… sometimes, we mistakenly believe we’re boring. Worse, we think we’re unfunny. From our lost warranties to our Morton’s Neuroma, we inadvertently dispense with the fodder and rely on the mundane, small-talking our way out of future invitations—which is great if you hate parties, but not so great if you’re lonely, or new in town. Below, please find your crib sheet for socializing. You don’t need to be a professional working comedian, or uniquely hilarious. Should any of these topics fall flat, blame the company.
1. How you spent the weekend in jail.
2. Worrisome baby names, such as: Endless Spiral, P’Orcelin, Tragedy, Challah and Levity.
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