Spielberg defined in 30 iconic shots [video]
Posted by staff / March 4, 2016
Steven Spielberg is the master of the iconic movie shot, from E.T. and Elliot riding off into the night sky to Indian Jones claiming his golden prize.
AsĀ Jacob T. Swinney, the creator of this tribute to the director, explained:
Many filmmakers have that one signature shot that will forever solidify them in film history– Spielberg has dozens. This video showcases the work of Steven Spielberg in 30 memorable shots, one from each of his full-length films. From something as magical as a silhouetted bicycle streaking across the moon, to something as simple as tiny ripples in a cup of water, this is Steven Spielberg.
Full story at Vimeo via Laughing Squid.
Graphics credit: Canva
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