The stories behind the 100 greatest props in movie history
Posted by staff / July 14, 2017
Naming our favorite stars or favorite movies is no big deal, but have you ever seriously thought about your favorite prop?
You probably have, even if they don’t immediately pop to mind, whether it’s the hope someday you’ll find Willy Wonka’s golden ticket or played with a light saber in the backyard.
Thrillist tells the story behind 100 of the greatest props in movie history to jog your memory.
100. Big Ern’s bowling ball, Kingpin (1996)
Peter Farrelly, director: “We shot most of the bowling stuff in the Pittsburgh area. There are tons of old bowling alleys around Pittsburgh — in the Midwest, they bowl! But they’d never been changed, so they were just beautiful. Every town had one!
99. The mockingjay pin, The Hunger Games (2012)
Dana Schneider, jewelry designer: “I could tell even before I was contacted [for the movie] that that design really struck home with a lot of the readers. That’s one of those things that you’re almost afraid to take on, because you just know how much people care. But I always like a good challenge.
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