Study shows chihuahuas are more aggressive than pit bulls
Posted by staff / September 23, 2016
Could this be the study that finally stops the demonization of pit bulls?
Sadly, the size and stereotypes of pit bulls are hard to overcome, yet a study by Dognition revealed the most aggressive dogs were the little guys, namely chihuahuas.
The findings agree with what the American Temperament Test Society has found, that pit bulls appear to be one of the least aggressive common breeds, also ranking below Miniature Schnauzers.
What’s the takeaway from all this?
First, none of the breeds tested were found to be extremely aggressive overall.
Secondly, watch your ankles.
Full story at The Atlantic.
You actually needed a “study” for that? Dog owners have long known that the smaller breeds almost always display the largest attitudes.
I have no first-hand experience with Chihuahuas, but I’ve never met a Pit Bull that didn’t want to crawl into my lap and lick my face. They’re sweet.