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The 8 craziest lawsuits of 2011

Posted by / December 26, 2011


America is a notoriously litigious nation. A 2005 study showed that our nation has 3.3 lawsuits for every 1,000 citizens. And while many suits are noble and just, countless legal battles seem to be pointless wastes of time, money, or both. Here, some of 2011’s more ridiculous lawsuits:

The moviegoer who sued Drive for its lack of driving

Michigan resident Sarah Deming sued the studio that distributed Drive and the theater where she saw it, claiming that trailers sold the film as a Fast and the Furious-like blockbuster. Instead, she complains, the movie “bore very little similarity to a chase, or race action film… having very little driving.”

The kids who sued mom for failing to spoil them

The First District Appellate Court of Illinois dismissed a lawsuit brought against a mother by her two children. Her alleged crime? “Bad mothering.” The son, 23, and daughter, 20, enlisted three attorneys — one of whom is their father and the woman’s ex-husband — to accuse mom of insisting that her then-teenage daughter be home by midnight, “haggling” over party dress budgets, and failing to send college care packages. The (not-so) spoiled kids sought more than $50,000 in damages.

More frivolous cases and rampant litigiousness at the link.

Full story at The Week.

Photo: CC ssalonso

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