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The little things that make a leader outstanding

Posted by / November 13, 2013

boy in hero costume cartoon

Not every leader has the opportunity to do a grand, heroic act. But that doesn’t mean a leader can’t be heroic. A leader can be great just by doing the little things. Here’s a few examples:

Putting others first. Servant leadership — serving others — isn’t a new idea, but it is something whose time has come and the best leaders strive for. When tough decisions need to be made, the best leaders always consider the impact on others before thinking of themselves. When temptation calls, good leaders, like good human beings, call on their internal strengths and ask themselves what the impact of following their whims might be on others, and then they decide their impulse isn’t worth it.

Saying “thank you.” “Thank you” is a small phrase but can mean a lot when said with sincerity. Surprisingly, it’s a big motivator for people, too, as it acknowledges a job well done, implicitly asking the recipient to continue on course. There can never be enough heartfelt thank you’s in our organizations, and the best leaders know that, striving to make sure it’s part of their everyday conversations.

See the rest at SmartBlog on Leadership.

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Photo credit: Fotolia

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  • […] Not every leader has the opportunity to do a grand, heroic act. But that doesn’t mean a leader can’t be heroic. A leader can be great just by doing the little things.  […]